The College of Engineering Research Services office provides comprehensive assistance to our faculty with their sponsored research awards. Research Services has two main functions: Pre-Award and Post-Award administration.

Pre-Award administration provides assistance in developing proposal budgets and budget justifications, collecting any necessary documents internal to the College of Engineering, and serving as the facilitator between faculty and the Office of Grants and Contracts (OGCA) during the submission of a proposal.

Post-Award administration supports faculty in administering their awards such as monitoring the award budget for compliant spending, planning future spending, reconciling project expenditures, and providing monthly spending and balance updates.

Research Services also provides full administrative support on all of sponsor project spending, including processing student hires, tuition payments, travel vouchers, supply/equipment purchases, and more.


Research Services Staff

Leyla Kimball
Leyla oversees post-award operations and supervises post-award staff. She reviews expenditures and provides the Dean’s Office with research proposal, award, and expenditure data.
Christopher Ferrell
Christopher reconciles sponsored-project expenditures, provides budget balances, investigates erroneous charges and resolves discrepancies. He also acts as a liaison between faculty and OGCA.
Amanda Hurst
Amanda provides administrative services for EENG and MTSE sponsored projects’ spending activities, such as hiring RAs, processing tuition payments, purchasing lab equipment/supplies, and preparing travel reimbursement vouchers.
Kendal Martin
Kendall provides administrative services for BMEN, CSCE, ETEC and MEEN projects’ spending activities, such as hiring RAs, processing tuition payments, purchasing lab equipment/supplies, and preparing travel reimbursement vouchers.
Yao Zhou
Yao reviews budget justifications, facilitates routing of proposal approvals, assists with uploading documents to sponsor application portals, and helps find funding opportunities. She acts as a liaison between faculty, OGCA, chairs, and deans.


Research Resources


Funding Opportunities Newsletter

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