
With over 14,000 alumni worldwide, the College of Visual Arts and Design has a strong network of former students. Our alumni are able to keep up with CVAD through our social media pages. As well, our alumni provide valuable support for CVAD.

Featured Alumni

  • Shirin Askari (’08), fashion designer and Project Runway contestant
  • Victoria Bleakley (’07), technical designer for fashion design label The Row
  • Heather Amuny Dey (’97), creative director for the Nike Global Brand
  • Ron English, pop artist whose work has been used in presidential campaigns, billboards, album covers and “The Simpsons.”
  • Michael Faircloth (’83), fashion designer to former First Lady Laura Bush
  • Amy Hofland, executive director for the Crow Collection of Asian Art
  • Eric Swenson (’99), internationally recognized sculptor
  • Dana Tanamchi (’07), graphic designer and chalk letterer whose work has graced the covers of O, HOW, and TIME magazines.