
Our Printmaking program supports students in their development of a personal vision and studio practice informed by a rich tradition and ever-expanding approaches to imagemaking. In our careully maintained printmaking studios students explore intaglio, relief, lithography, screen printing, monotype, artist’s bookmaking and interdisciplinary processes integratrating both handmade and photo/digital matrixes. ­­

Our Printmaking faculty are nationally and internationally recognized professional artists who train students with technical skills, instill a sense of conceptual rigor, promote creative research and mentor students for professional development opportunities. Our program collaborates with print businesses in the region to offer students industry experience and develop professional networks. The Printmaking Association of North Texas Students (PANTS) organizes exhibitions, community events, field trips, fund raisers, awards, visiting artist events and portfolio exchanges.

Students pursuing the BFA create a substantial portfolio of artworks that culminates in a group exhibition. The MFA program integrates artistic research, contemporary theory, and practice culminating in a thesis exhibition.


Information on the 2019 SCGI Conference, hosted by UNT.

Alumni accomplishments

Andrew Palamara

Andrew Palamara is the Assistant Director for Docent Learning at the Cincinnati Art Museum. He supervises a group of 120 volunteer docents that have been a fixture of the CAM for over half a century. He also organizes and leads the docents' training sessions by assessing their tour performance and providing them with resources. Andrew graduated from UNT in 2014 with a Master's in Art Education and the Art Museum Education Certification.

Art Education and Art History
Art Education

Andrew Palamara is the Assistant Director for Docent Learning at the Cincinnati Art Museum. He supervises a group of 120 volunteer docents that have been a fixture of the CAM for over half a century. He also organizes and leads the docents' training sessions by assessing their tour performance and providing them with resources. Andrew graduated from UNT in 2014 with a Master's in Art Education and the Art Museum Education Certification.

Student accomplishments

Jessie Barnes

Jessie Barnes (MFA 2017) won the Frogman's Printmaking Workshop Graduate Student Scholarship. Jessie competed with graduate students from across the US. As the scholarship recipient Jessie's tuition for the the Frogman's 2016 Print Workshop is waived. Additionally, during the workshops she will have a solo exhibition at the Hexagon Gallery of the Weber Fine Arts Building at the University of Nebraska Omaha.

Studio Art

Jessie Barnes (MFA 2017) won the Frogman's Printmaking Workshop Graduate Student Scholarship. Jessie competed with graduate students from across the US. As the scholarship recipient Jessie's tuition for the the Frogman's 2016 Print Workshop is waived. Additionally, during the workshops she will have a solo exhibition at the Hexagon Gallery of the Weber Fine Arts Building at the University of Nebraska Omaha.