Career Resources | Department of Sociology

Career Resources

We all have been asked at one time or another, "What are you going to do with a sociology degree?" The answer is that a sociology degree serves as an excellent springboard for a variety careers in many diverse fields. You can easily transfer the skills you obtain with your undergraduate or graduate degree in sociology, the trick is to understand how to translate what you have learned into terms future employers find valuable.

The 21st century labor market is fast changing, increasingly global and technology-driven, the jobs that you may apply for as a graduate may not even exist yet. To navigate the 21st century means being able to keep up with the changing world.

Career Resources for Undergraduate Students

Below is curated set of resources for undergraduates. We also suggest exploring career-related resources your campus offers. Many institutions have career or employment centers that offer a variety of services such as assistance with resume writing, mock interviewing and internship placement. They may point you in the direction of relevant listservs or other places to begin making connections with fellow students or alumni. If you don't know where to start, talk to your department chair or professor

UNT Resources

American Sociological Assocation Resources

External Resources

What Sociologists Do

Profiles of sociologists, articles about what they do and video interviews where they describe in their own words how they "do sociology."

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