
Guidance for Interviewing Queer and Trans People for Class Projects, Studies, and News Stories

When requesting interviews from Queer and Trans people, it is important to remember that an interviewer may be seeking personal information that is uncomfortable or personal to provide. No Queer or Trans person has any obligation to share their experience with anyone, particularly with media that predominantly reports on heterosexual experiences. As an interviewer, folks have the opportunity to do incredible harm to Queer and Trans people, particularly in how they write about Queer and Trans people after the interview. Below are some tips and resources for writing about Queer and Trans people. 

Please Ask Queer and Trans People:

  • What pronouns they use 
  • What they are and are not comfortable sharing
  • How you should report their experience 
  • How they would like to be referred to in writing

Please Do Not Ask Queer and Trans People:

  • Questions about trauma (i.e. "What is the most homophobic thing that's ever happened to you?", "What transphobic stuff has happened in your life?", "Did your parents disown you after coming out?" etc.) without first clarifying if the person wants to share experiences of trauma with you
  • To speak for all Queer and Trans communities 
  • To accommodate your schedule in order to share their experiences
  • To conduct an interview on incredibly short notice
  • To speak with you at an event or community space without prior notice

Scheduling an Interview With Pride Alliance Staff

Thank you for your interest in interviewing the professional staff of the Pride Alliance Staff. To request an interview, please complete the Pride Alliance Interview Request Form.

We are most able to accommodate interview requests received one to two weeks in advance of proposed dates. If we are unable to meet in person, we may be able to respond to questions via email. Form submissions will be honored to the best of Staff availability, but are not guaranteed. 

Pride Alliance professional staff are unable to connect you with students to interview for your news story, study, or class project. 

Tips for Writing About Queer and Trans People

When writing about Queer and Trans people, make sure you know how they want their identities and experiences referred to in terms they have chosen. Do not guess at, summarize, or assume that you know how someone identifies their experiences. When writing about Trans people in particular, we recommend you consider the tips offered in the Radical Copy Editor's Style Guide for Writing About Transgender People.