I.T. Works! Conference Deemed a Success

I.T. Works! Conference banner

The Sept. 29, 2017, conference conducted by and for information technology professionals, I.T. Works!, was a day for networking, learning and sharing. About 150 registered participants and presenters attended the event at the UNT Gateway Center from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Conference planning team members, Dining Services, Gateway Center staff and presenters are credited with the overall success, according to organizers Abraham John, Chris Stoermer and Athanasios Galiopoulos.

I.T. Works! Conference 2017

Click on the photograph of Jackie Thames, left, and Nassos Galiopoulos to see the gallery of photos from the conference.

Session tracks included topics such as campus solutions, research and infrastructure. The following resources for the latest technological advances were shared by Allen Clark, associate vice president, University Information Services, during the wrap-up session of the conference. See a note of appreciation below from Dr. Clark addressed to the ITW conferees.

Oct. 10, 2017  Hello, All:   I would like to thank each and every one of you for contributing to the success of the 2017 I.T. Works! Conference. The successful turnout is a representation of the drive that exists at UNT toward innovation and collaboration. We hope that you all found the workshops informative and were able to network with others across campus.  Events like these provide such a unique opportunity to brainstorm and partner with individuals who may come from other offices or departments. We have received remarkable feedback about the conference and intend to compile all comments and focus on how we can make the next conference even better. We aim to continue to provide opportunities such as these to further build upon our culture of invention and advancement.   I thank you once again for attending this wonderful conference and sharing in the collaboration. I greatly anticipate planning the next conference and look forward to seeing what culminates from our joint efforts.   Appreciatively,   Allen Clark

Editor's Note: Please note that information in each edition of Benchmarks Online is likely to change or degrade over time, especially the links to various websites. For current information on a specific topic, search the UNT website, UNT's UIT Help Desk or the world wide web. Email your questions and comments to the UNT University Information Technology Department or call 940-565-2324.