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Undergraduate Concentrations

The world of journalism is ever changing.

Technological advances allow information to be delivered faster than ever before using many different media. The Mayborn School of Journalism prepares students to become part of this fast-paced field.


Students learn all aspects of advertising, copywriting, agency operation, ad campaigns and more.

Broadcast & Digital Journalism

Students interested in careers in broadcast and multimedia learn to cover a news beat, shoot video and stills, anchor newscasts and produce content for on-air and online, along with many other aspects of broadcast journalism.

Digital & Print Journalism

Students learn all elements of news writing, including hard news, breaking news, features, editorials, columns and more.


Still photography and videography make up the core of this program, along with instruction on visual storytelling, legal issues and digital photo editing.

Public Relations

Instruction focuses on the principles and techniques of public relations, marketing and public information for clients ranging from government and nonprofits to major corporations and PR agencies.

Teacher Certification

If you're more interested in teaching, we offer instruction on how to teach students about the techniques, skills and issues in journalism.

Undergraduate Certificate in Sports Journalism

Students learn all aspects of sports reporting, writing and photojournalism for the web, broadcast and print, including column writing, ethics in sports journalism, sports entertainment, sports business and the impact of sports in society.