College Costs

How much does it cost to attend UNT?

Tuition and fees vary by college. Detailed information regarding tuition and fees at UNT is available from Student Financial Services. For a general cost estimate of what you will be billed, use one of the tuition plan calculators provided by Student Financial Services.

What is Cost of Attendance?

Cost of Attendance (COA), as determined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, is the estimated cost for a typical student to attend UNT. COA includes estimated tuition and fees, as well as other basic living expenses. COA is used, along with your Expected Family Contribution, to calculate your financial aid awards.

The figures below outline the estimated cost of attendance (COA) for students at UNT are based on 15 undergraduate hours and 9 graduate per term (fall/spring) and 12 undergraduate hours and 9 graduate hours for the summer term. Detailed information regarding tuition and fees at UNT is available from Student Financial Services. Your actual costs will vary depending on the following factors:

  • Number of credit hours
  • Degree plan
  • Residency (Texas resident or out-of-state resident)
  • Room and board choices
  • Personal expenses

2019 - 2020 Academic Year

Traditional - Undergraduate
15 hours per semester
  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
Resident State Tuition / Non-Resident State Tuition $1,500 / $14,160 $1,500 / $14,160 $1,500 / $14,160
Board Tuition $6,904 $6,904 $6,904
Fees $3,238 $3,238 $3,238
Room and Board $5,650 $9,610 $8,684
Books and Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Transportation $2,464 $1,860 $2,464
Personal $1,890 $1,498 $2,262
Fed Loan Fees* $70 $70 $70
Resident Total / Out of State Total $22,716 / $35,376 $25,680 / $38,340 $26,122 / $38,782

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

Traditional - Graduate
9 hours per semester
  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
Resident State Tuition / Non-Resident State Tuition $900 / $8,496 $900 / $8,496 $900 / $8,496
Board Tuition $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Fees $2,122 $2,122 $2,122
Room and Board $5,650 $9,610 $8,684
Books and Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Transportation $2,464 $1,860 $2,464
Personal $1,890 $1,498 $2,262
Fed Loan Fees* $136 $136 $136
Resident Total/Out of State Total $19,162 / $26,758 $22,126 / $29,722 $22,568 / $30,164

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

Oklahoma Residents

15 hours per semester

  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
OK Resident State Tuition $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
Board Tuition $6,904 $6,904 $6,904
Fees $3,238 $3,238 $3,238
Room and Board $5,650 $9,610 $8,684
Books and Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Transportation $2,464 $1,860 $2,464
Personal $1,890 $1,498 $2,262
Fed Loan Fees* $70 $70 $70
Resident Total $24,216 $27,180 $27,622

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

2019 Summer

Traditional - Undergraduate
12 hours per semester
  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
Resident State Tuition / Non-Resident State Tuition $600 / $5,664 $600 / $5,664 $600 / $5,664
Board Tuition $2,761 $2,761 $2,761
Fees $1,304 $1,304 $1,304
Room and Board $2,266 $3,468 $3,463
Books and Supplies $396 $396 $396
Transportation $989 $747 $989
Personal $739 $585 $885
Fed Loan Fees* $30 $30 $30
Resident Total / Out of State Total $9,085 / $14,149 $9,891 / $14,955 $10,428 / $15,492

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

Traditional - Graduate
9 hours per semester
  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
Resident State Tuition / Non-Resident State Tuition $450 / $4,248 $450 / $4,248 $450 / $4,248
Board Tuition $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
Fees $1,037 $1,037 $1,037
Room and Board $2,266 $3,468 $3,463
Books and Supplies $396 $396 $396
Transportation $989 $747 $989
Personal $739 $585 $885
Fed Loan Fees* $55 $55 $55
Resident Total / Out of State Total $8,432 / $12,230 $9,238 / $13,036 $9,775 / $13,573

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

Oklahoma Residents
12 hours per semester
  At Home w/Parents On Campus Off Campus
OK Resident State Tuition $1,200 $1,200 $1,200
Board Tuition $2,761 $2,761 $2,761
Fees $1,304 $1,304 $1,304
Room and Board $2,266 $3,468 $3,463
Books and Supplies $396 $396 $396
Transportation $989 $747 $989
Personal $739 $585 $885
Fed Loan Fees* $30 $30 $30
Resident Total $9,685 $10,491 $11,028

Fed Loan Fees* - Additional loan fees are required to be added to a student's COA budget for any PLUS loan or Graduate PLUS loan borrowed.

Cost of Attendance Definitions

Tuition and Fees (Billable) - The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical student is based on enrolling 30 hours per year (15 hours in fall and 15 hours in spring). The actual costs that a student incurs will vary depending on the student’s degree or certificate program.

Room (Billable on-campus; Non-Billable off-campus) and Board (Non-Billable) - A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live on-campus or in Denton while attending school. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances.

Books and Supplies (Non-Billable) - The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire academic year (fall and spring terms) or summer term.

Transportation (Non-Billable) - Represents travel to and from parent's residence and transportation costs to and from class and work.

Personal (Non-Billable) - Personal items not included in room and board expenses.

Fed Loan Fees (Non-Billable) - The average fee charged to a typical student to cover the processing costs associated with federal student loan programs.