Information Technology Governance at UNT


UIT embraces a governance model to clearly define and communicate IT requirements, decision responsibilities, and accountabilities to encourage effective and coordinated deployment of  information technology at UNT. In addition to UNT's local IT Governance as described below, Information Technology Shared Services (ITSS) Strategic Services, a component of System Shared Services, has developed and adopted a governance framework to serve as a guideline and provide structure to its collaborative decision making, decision-making authorities, service delivery, evaluation of services, reporting and internal controls.

Governance Groups

IT Planning and Prioritization Group (ITPP)

  • Purpose in brief

    • Determine the factors that create value for the university, transforming or growing the university. 
    • Review and prioritize all project/IT investment proposals submitted by the UNT business units based on the value delivery and linkage to business strategy.
    • Prepare a shortlist of high priority proposals which should be submitted to IT Shared Services demand management and should be further prepared for consideration by IT Governance approving bodies. 
    • Identify project proposals which are mandated and suggest those that may be  operational. 
  • Membership - Senior UNT Administrators
    • Chair: Vice President for Enrollment Management
    • Associate Vice President for Information Services
    • Associate Vice President Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research
    • Associate Vice Provost for Learning Enhancement
    • Execuitve Director of University Information Technology
    • Senior Director of Administrative Information Technology Support

Technical Architecture Group (TAG)

  • Purpose in brief

    • receives input from technical staff,
    • accepts, analyzes, and evaluates IT-related solutions for shared needs,
    • provides input to UNT IT leadership and governance to ensure IT meets the university’s operational needs,
    • defines and coordinates the procedures, standards, and technology requirements UNT uses to organize data, equipment, and applications,
    • promotes common, shared systems for UNT's processes and application capabilities,
    • works closely with IT Shared Services to ensure parity with UNT endeavors,
    • reviews and advises on IT related policies,
    • and serves as a focal point for briefings on technology products, topics, and trends by both internal and external presenters.
  • Membership – IT professional staff
    • Chair: Executive Director of University Information Technology
    • Academic IT Support
      • Classroom Support Services (CSS)
      • CLEAR
      • CAS ITS (representing COS, CLASS, COI, and  Mayborn)
      • College of Business
      • College of Education
      • College of Engineering
      • College of Health and Public Service
      • College of Merchandising, Hospitality  and Tourism
      • College of Music
      • College of Visual Arts and Design
      • Texas Academy of Math and Sciences
      • UNT Libraries
      • Student Computing Lab Managers Chair (non-voting)
    • Administration IT Support
      • AITS
      • Analytic Information Services
      • UNT Police IT Support
      • UIT Instructional IT Services
      • UIT IT User Services
      • Office of Research and Innovation
      • Enrollment Systems
    • Staff Council – non-voting
    • IT Internal Audit - non-voting
    • ITSS
      • ITSS Management & Risk Services (non-voting)
      • ITSS Communication & Collaboration Services (non-voting)
      • ITSS Enterprise Systems Infrastructure Services (non-voting)
      • ITSS Strategic Services (non-voting)
      • ITSS Campus Technology Support Services (non-voting)

For more information about IT governance at UNT, please send an email to Philip Baczewski, Executive Director, University Information Technology.