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Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

22 departments & programs. 69 degree programs.

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We're the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

We prepare you to be the next generation of innovators, scholars, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders.

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We're home to 22 departments. Interested in a degree program? Head on over to the department website of your choice.

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We've got a number of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students.

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Posted on August 14, 2019
New to CLASS: William Scarborough
Posted on August 8, 2019
New to CLASS: David Cicero
Posted on August 6, 2019
New to CLASS: Courtney Brannon Donoghue
Posted on August 1, 2019
New to CLASS: Devin Garofalo
Posted on July 30, 2019
New to CLASS: Wesley Phelps
Posted on July 25, 2019
New to CLASS: Danica Slavish
Posted on July 24, 2019
UNT Recognizing International Year of Indigenous Languages
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