Master of Arts in French | World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Master of Arts in French

Director of Graduate Studies

Christophe Chaguinian

Admission and Degree Requirements

A student must have completed at least 12 semester hours of advanced work in French to be admitted into the graduate program. Graduate applicants to UNT are evaluated holistically, based on specific departmental and program requirements. In the past, successful candidates usually have met a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the undergraduate degree for admission to a master's program at UNT. Note that a 3.5 GPA in advanced undergraduate French courses is preferred. An applicant who does not meet these recommended GPA criteria will need a very strong application in order to be considered for admission into the MA-French program. See the Program Handbook (link provided below) for additional details.

Students can choose from two program options:

  • The Thesis Option requires 36 semester hours, including 6 hours of thesis; at least 24 hours of course work must be completed in the major; a minor of 6 hours is permitted. For this option, students must pass an oral defense of the thesis.
  • The Non-Thesis Option requires 36 hours of course work; at least 30 hours must be earned in the major; a minor of 6 hours is permitted. For this option, students must pass a written comprehensive examination.

Program Handbook for the Master of Arts in French

Application for Approval of the Thesis Option

French, BA with grad track option leading to French, MA

Marketable Skills

Marketable skills for this degree include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas that are valued by employers and are primary or complementary to the major. The marketable skills goal was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers. UNT's marketable skills were faculty-developed and approved by employers or discipline-specific agencies, e.g., internship providers, chambers of commerce, workforce development boards, and other workforce-related entities. For information on these marketable skills:

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