Experiential learning

Strategies for an Interactive Face-to-Face Learning Environment

A photo of the back of students sitting in a classroom with a person presenting in the background.

Classroom teaching has come a long way from the traditional lecture format where the professor reads from their lecture notes for the entire class time. Though lecture can be effective in delivering content at times, getting students involved in the teaching process is one of the best ways to encourage learning. There are a variety of strategies that instructors can implement to encourage interactive learning in a classroom setting, including online components, group projects, slide presentations, application exercises, role playing games, service learning projects, and classroom discussion.

Creating Experiential Learning Experiences in the Classroom

A photo of a board game.

In addition to community engagement and problem and project-based learning, experiential learning can occur via a variety of in-class activities. These activities allow students to attain, practice, and demonstrate “real-world” knowledge within a classroom or school setting to cultivate the analytical and communication skills necessary for solving problems that students will confront after leaving school. Participating in authentic learning activities allow students to practice and cultivate skills and knowledge that they will need as professionals once they graduate. In authentic learning environments, instructors step in to coach at critical moments.

Incorporating Community Engagement into Your Course

A graphic of two hands shaking with words written inside the hands

Community engagement is a type of experiential learning that involves study in a place outside the classroom. Often these community engagement experiences are considered transformative to the lives of our learners and to us as instructors, as well. They involve raising awareness of difficult issues and contradictions, personal growth, emotional and spiritual connections, and making new meaning.

Problem-Based Learning vs. Project-Based Learning

A photograph of a graph paper notebook with a pen and two crumbled up pieces of paper.

Both problem-based learning and project-based learning are types of experiential learning. Problem-based learning involves critical thinking to examine problems that lack a well-defined answer. In project-based learning, students are challenged to develop a plan and create a product or artifact that addresses the problem. This article delves further into the differences and similarities between these two types of experiential learning.

The Impact of Experiential Learning on Student Learning

A photograph of three people participating in community service.

When you set up experiential learning situations for your students, they can apply course concepts and knowledge to real-life problems and situations like ones they may encounter in their own professional and personal lives. Through this process, they begin to see patterns in problems and potential solutions. When they encounter similar problems in the future, they can draw on the rich bank of examples and knowledge of patterns among problems and solutions you have helped them to build. All this experience moves them on the path to developing expertise in their fields.

What is Experiential Learning?

A photo of four people in a laboratory looking at plant specimens in jars.

 Experiential learning is often referred to as “learning by doing.” It is a series of learning activities that comprise both concrete experiences and guided reflections. Students are provided the opportunity to continually distill and integrate knowledge acquired from class with relevant situations and problems.