Graduate Student Teaching Positions | World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Graduate Student Teaching Positions

Teaching Assistants have fewer than 18 credit hours in their field of study.

Teaching Fellows have at least 18 credit hours in their field of study.

Teaching Assistants do a variety of tasks that support our Elementary and/or Intermediate courses.

Teaching Fellows in French generally teach two courses independently, under the supervision of a faculty coordinator.

All Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows are limited to a workload of 20 hours per week, as we are committed to making sure that our students have ample time to complete their own studies. All Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows are also expected to maintain full-time enrollment, or they are not eligible for an assistantship/fellowship. The stipend for the positions is delivered as payroll, once per month.

Teaching Fellows and Teaching Assistants who are residents of another state or country are also eligible for in-state tuition, earning a waiver of the higher, out-of-state tuition rate. Please contact the main office for information about how and when to complete the waiver.

Since the details and policies regarding benefits may change, applicants should carefully read the Assistantships and Teaching Resources webpage (see link below).

If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate graduate advisor.

French: Christophe Chaguinian -

Additional Information

Assistantships and Teaching Resources (Toulouse Graduate School)

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