Core Talk

Core Talk is an ongoing series of visiting presenters sharing their professional experiences through a public lecture and other supporting activities during their visit to the University of North Texas. 

Sponsored by the Core Design program and selected by the Core Design Coordinators, Laura Beard, and James Thurman, guest speakers represent a wide range of disciplines and professions including full-time studio artists and designers, faculty, curators, writers of a spectrum of experience, from early career to the internationally known. 

The goal of the series is to facilitate, enhance, and broaden the educational experience of all students in the foundational program to help ensure their future success, both while a part of the College of Visual Arts and Design and beyond.


Archived Core Talks »

Alumni accomplishments

Alex Egner

Communication Design

Communication Design

Student accomplishments

Interior Design 1

Victoria Station - Denton, TX

Interior Design

Victoria Station - Denton, TX