Working with Students

This section of the Handbook provides resources for working with students. To teach effectively, instructors need to communicate with students and facilitate their work. However, students can bring many issues and concerns into their studies, and often teachers will need to interact with them about these concerns. We also provide resources for communication among international students and instructors.

  • Getting to know your students as individuals is important. This infographic provides an overview of the unique demographics of UNT students. This Teaching Commons article, Get to Know Your Students, provides tips and ideas for getting to know your students.
  • Communication styles among students vary across culture, context, and audience. This Teaching Commons article, Communicating with Students, addresses communicating with international students, as well as communicating with students via email. If you happen to be an international instructor, we recommend reading this article about communication in the classroom.
  • Office hours are a crucial component of teaching students, as well as interacting and communicating with them. This Teaching Commons article, Utilizing Office Hours to Encourage Student-Instructor Interaction, overviews the best ways to utilize office hours for student learning.
  • Instructors often make a lot of assumptions about students’ learning and study skills, despite the wide variance in student ability. We recommend looking at the Teaching Commons Study Skills tag to assist students with developing their study skills.
  • A UNT instructor should also be familiar with UNT student rights and responsibilities, including students’ 10 Academic Rights, the rights of students, and UNT student codes of conduct.
  • Instructors generally focus on cognitive skills that impact learning, but numerous issues can impact a student’s ability to learn. This Teaching Commons article, How to Handle Student Issues that Can Effect Learning, overviews some of the issues and provides tips for how to deal with them.
  • The Succed at UNT campaign launched in 2013 as a way to help students succeed throughout their tenure at the university. The campaign provided six steps with resources. In this Teaching Commons article, "Suceed at UNT": Tips for Faculty, we connect these six steps with teaching ideas so instructors can support their students in this endeavor.