German | World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures



Dr. Cindy Renker



  • Dr. Carol Anne Costabile-Heming
  • Dr. Dorian Roehrs (Associate Chair)

Associate Professors

  • Dr. Christoph Weber


  • Dr. Cindy Renker
  • Ms. Carmen Terry

Adjunct Faculty

  • Ms. Simone Baker-Kaupp

Please see the Faculty section of our website for contact information and additional information about faculty.

Major in German

A major in German consists of a minimum of 120 semester hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree as specified in the "General University Requirements" in the Academics section of the catalog and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences requirements.

Major Requirements:
39 hours of foreign language, including:

  • GERM 1010 - Elementary German
  • GERM 1020 - Elementary German
  • GERM 2040 - Intermediate German
  • GERM 2050 - Intermediate German

Plus 27 semester hours of advanced work, of which 9 hours are at the 4000 level.

Placement or credit my examination may be used to satisfy GERM 1010, GERM 1020, GERM 2040, GERM 2050.

German Teacher Certification

Minor in German

A minor in German consists of a minimum of 21 semester hours in German, including 9 advanced hours. Demonstration of proficiency may be substituted for credit in courses equivalent to GERM 1010 through GERM 2050. A minimum grade of C is required for a course to count toward the minor.

Syllabi & Courses

For full listing of courses with descriptions and prerequisites, please visit UNT's Catalog home page. You can also find syllabi listed on faculty profiles at

GERM 1010
GERM 1020
GERM 2040
GERM 2050

Marketable Skills

Marketable skills for this degree include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas that are valued by employers and are primary or complementary to the major. The marketable skills goal was designed to help students articulate their skills to employers. UNT's marketable skills were faculty-developed and approved by employers or discipline-specific agencies, e.g., internship providers, chambers of commerce, workforce development boards, and other workforce-related entities. For information on these marketable skills:

Additional Resources

Please see the following document for student testimonials, detailed information about topical course offerings, and events and social gatherings for students interested in German:

Useful Websites:

  • Goethe Institute: Mein Weg nach Deutschland (My portal to Germany):

  • Lead With German

  • Dallas Goethe Center:

  • List of sites to watch German videos, tv shows, and movies online (most are free):

  • German is world's fourth most popular language:

  • Deutsch gehört zu den Top fünf der Weltsprachen (German belongs to the top-five foreign languages):

  • The hottest job skill is…learning a foreign language (German!):

  • Study Abroad: Budget For Germany:

  • North Texas Chapter American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)!events/c21kz

Here are some links that might be of interest to you if you are planning on studying or staying in Germany:

Earning money in Germany:

Higher education system in Germany:

Universities of applied science:

Finding degree programs in Germany:

Transfer Credit and Placement Test

Students may earn credits in German through a placement test or by transferring credits from another institution. For more details, please look for testing information under the Resources section of this website or call the department office.

Study Abroad

For study-abroad opportunities, please look under the Resources section of our website for the Study Abroad page, contact our main office, or contact the Study Abroad Office at or by calling (940) 565-2207.

The University of North Texas also offers an Exchange Program with the University of Tübingen in Germany. Participating students will obtain university credits equivalent to courses at UNT. Other study abroad opportunities are available in Würzburg and Mainz. Please contact Dr. Dorian Roehrs for more information.

A faculty-led program at the University of Freiburg is organized every summer by Ms. Carmen Terry. For information about the program, please contact Ms. Terry at

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