Honor Societies/Professional Organizations | World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Honor Societies/Professional Organizations

Dobro Slovo National Slavic Honor Society

Students who have received an average of 85% or better for a minimum 2 years of Slavic language study (not limited to Russian) are eligible to apply. Students must also have a 3.0 or better overall, and demonstrate an active interest to encourage Slavic language study and promote culture. Those interested can contact the honor society president, Stefaniya Grba or the faculty advisor, Dr. Tatiana Filosofova.

French Honor Society

Students who are interested in joining the French Honor Society, please contact French Lecturer Laetitia Knight Laetitia.knight@unt.edu.

German National Honor Society

Delta Phi Alpha

Upper level students may be eligible for election into membership in this German National Honor Society. Among other group activities, Delta Phi Alpha members have discovered German heritage traveling together from the Texas Hill Country to the fabled Black Forrest of Germany.

Delta Phi Alpha is represented by its local chapter Iota Phi. Students enrolled in upper level German courses are eligible to apply for membership. For more information contact faculty advisor Carol Anne Costabile-Heming.

Japanese National Honor Society

Students earning top grades in Japanese are eligible to apply for the Honor Society. Certificates of Excellence and red-and-white cords to wear at graduation will be given to students who are granted membership in the society.

  • Completion of 5 semester courses of Japanese language
  • A GPA of 3.5 in Japanese language courses
  • An overall GPA of 3.0

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