Learning 101 Series

If you are interested in learning strategies to be a more successful student, check out one of our Learning 101 Series! These 50-minute workshops offer practical skills and tips to help you be smarter about how you study and learn at UNT. Read below to see Learning 101 topics and remaining dates for the current semester. 

We offer text and email reminders for our workshops! Sign-up here.

Some of our workshops are also live streamed so students who can't make it to campus can still check them out! Click here to learn more and access that schedule.

Presentation Skills

Date Time Location Presenter
Tuesday, December 3rd 1:00 - 2:00 pm  SAGE 120A Hannah

Test Taking

Date Time Location Presenter
Wednesday, December 4th 2:00 - 3:00 pm  SAGE 120A John


Getting into Grad School

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance with the graduate school application/preparation process, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Critical Thinking Skills

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance with critical thinking skills, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Online Class Success Strategies

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance with online class skills, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Note Taking

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance with note taking skills, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Time Management

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance with effectively managing your time, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Learning Styles

The final session for this topic has passed. If you need assistance identifying your learning style preferences, you can schedule a one-on-one academic coaching appointment here.

Questions about these workshops? Email LCcoaching@unt.edu!