March 2013

Archived Content: All links on this page have been disabled.

Jim Morrow, Regents Professor Reflect, Refocus, Rejuvenate: Is a Development Leave in Your Future?

Need time to reflect and refocus on your research without the demands of a busy teaching schedule or committee work? If so, consider applying for a faculty development leave to enhance your professional growth.  To learn more, please attend one of the two workshops to learn about eligibility criteria, the review process, and expected outcomes.  Experienced faculty and panel review members will share how to craft a successful leave proposal and experience.  Workshops are scheduled for April 29th (1:00-2:00 pm,BLB 281/285) or May 2nd (9:00-10:00 am, BLB 281/285).  Register today.

Batting 1000: Writing Successful Responses to Journal Reviewers

Let’s be honest. Responding to reviewers' comments can be one of the most challenging aspects of bringing scholarly work to publication.  This workshop will help you navigate through the response process whether the review is ‘accept with minor revision’ or the dreaded ‘reject.’  Victor Prybutok, Regents Professor in Information Technology and Decision Sciences, will provide proven strategies for bringing your work to fruition.  Mark your calendar and register today for this workshop which will be held on April 11th from 4:00-5:30 pm in BLB 250.  Bring your questions and let’s decipher what these often elusive comments really mean.

*Workshop attendees will be entered into a drawing to win a copy of the Scrivener 2 software package, a project management tool designed especially for writers.

Spring Challenge: Improve Your Understanding of the UNT Student

UNT has created a line-up of events for faculty in their efforts to support student persistence and success. Whether you are a novice in the classroom or a 30-year veteran, commit to improving your understanding of the UNT student this spring by attending at least one (if not all) of the events listed below.




UNT Transfer Summit:
Collaborative Learning Community

Register by March 20th to reserve your spot)

March 21
8:30 -12 noon

Silver Eagle Suite

University Forum on Teaching and Learning:
Engaging Learners- Supporting Student Success

(Lunch provided, registration required)

April 12
8:30 – 3:45

Silver Eagle Suite

Student Portraits:
A Symposium for UNT Educators

(Lunch provided, registration required, may register for all or part of the event)

May 2
8:00 - 5:00

Gateway Center

SFEDeadline is Approaching for Faculty Awards

Recognizing the accomplishments of our fellow colleagues is just one of the many ways that we strengthen community at UNT.  Please consider nominating a faculty member in your department for one of the UNT Foundation Awards or the new Ulys and Vera Knight Faculty Mentor Award.  Nomination packets are due April 1, 2013.  The awards will be presented at the Salute to Faculty Excellence dinner and awards ceremony, scheduled for September 27, 2013 at Apogee Stadium.

Core Curriculum Innovation Awards Announced

The Core Curriculum Innovation Awards recognize and celebrate faculty who provide innovative instruction and supportive environments in core courses. These instructors make the core curriculum meaningful and provide a framework for success as students begin their college journey.  Winners will be named “Core Fellows” and will receive a $1,000 award funded by Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Educational Innovation. Deadline is April 12, 2013.  To review the call for nominations, please see the attached document.

Academic Leaders Corner

Building, strengthening, and sustaining UNT's administrative leadership is an important part of the work that we do in the Provost Office.  Events for the coming month are listed below:

  • UNT Leadership Fellows, “A Conversation with the Provost,” April 5, 12:00-1:30, University Union, Ponder Room (invitation only)

  • UNT Chair Academy,  “Building the Team:  The Chair’s Role in Motivating and Evaluating Staff,’ April 16, 4:00-5:00, BLB 170 (chairs only)

  • Texas Women’s Higher Education Network, “Shaping the Future:  One Woman at a Time,” April 18-19, San Antonio, TX, Grand Hyatt Hotel

Please send your good ideas, comments, and/or suggestions for the April Faculty Newsletter to