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About Campus Carry at UNT

In June 2015, the Texas Legislature passed and Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 11, also known as “campus carry.” This new legislation will allow licensed concealed handguns on Texas public university campuses, including UNT, starting Aug. 1, 2016.

In September 2015, President Neal Smatresk appointed a Campus Carry Task Force -- comprised of UNT students, faculty, staff and administrators -- to recommend a campus carry policy and guidelines for UNT and guidelines for our community.

During October 2015, the task force held public Town Halls to gather input and answer your questions about the implementation of campus carry at UNT. Thanks to everyone who supplied feedback to the Campus Carry Task Force. The task force reviewed this feedback and recommended a draft UNT campus carry policy to President Smatresk in December 2015.

In January 2016, President Smatresk presented the task force’s final policy draft to the UNT community for Review and additional feedback.

The UNT System Board of Regents accepted UNT’s Campus Carry Policy at the board’s Feb. 26, 2016 meeting.

In April 2016, the task force held educational training sessions on the new policy and law for students, faculty and staff. 


Task Force

The charge of UNT’s 23-member Campus Carry Task Force was to review the rules, regulations and procedures related to Senate Bill 11 and recommend a draft campus carry policy to President Smatresk.

Appointed by President Smatresk in September 2015, UNT’s task force also reviewed best practices, researched crime statistics for concealed handgun license holders and consulted with other Texas institutions as part of its work. The UNT System Board of Regents reviewed and accepted UNT's Campus Carry Policy in February 2016.

After acceptance of the policy, the university will provide training so that UNT community members can respond in a new campus environment that allows for concealed handguns. The training will be added to the Campus Safety and Security Seminars series, which is offered each semester.



  • Eric Fritsch, Chair and Professor of Criminal Justice in the College of Public Affairs and Community Service
  • Administrative Support: Abbie Huzarevich, Administrative Services Office of the President

Student Representatives

  • Adam Alattry, President of the Student Government Association
  • Christopher Lee, Vice President of the Student Government Association
  • James Dale, Graduate Student Council

Faculty Senate Representative

  • Jesse Eschbach, Professor of Keyboard Studies in the College of Music

Staff Senate Representative

  • Donald Noska, Administrative Assistant to the Chair of the Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology

Police Representative

  • Ed Reynolds, Chief of the UNT Police Department

Risk/Emergency Management Representative

  • Brad Scott, Director of Emergency Preparedness and Insurance Management 

Legal Representative

  • Renaldo Stowers, Office of General Counsel
  • Dolly Garcia, Office of General Counsel

Human Resource Representative

  • Brandi Renton, Director of UNT Human Resources

Diversity Representative

  • Damian Torres, Assistant Director of the Multicultural Center

Athletics Representative

  • Mike Ashbaugh, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Business Operations

Academic Affairs Representative

  • Finley Graves, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Student Affairs Representatives

  • Elizabeth With, Vice President of Student Affairs
  • Maureen McGuinness, Dean of Students and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
  • James Fairchild Jr., Associate Director of Housing Operations
  • Zane Reif, Director of the University Union, Gateway Center and UNT Coliseum

Finance and Administration Representatives

  • Randy Fite, Director of Facilities Maintenance
  • Darlene Callahan, Director of Space Management and Planning

Communications Representatives

  • Kelley Reese, Associate Vice President for University Relations, Communications and Marketing
  • Margarita Venegas, Interim News Manager for University Relations, Communications and Marketing


Town Halls and Events

UNT’s Campus Carry Task Force values the input of our campus community and held public Town Halls to gather feedback from all university stakeholders. 

The Town Halls were open to students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the larger UNT community.

Download the Campus Carry Town Hall Presentation (PDF)

Student Town Hall Meetings

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015
5 p.m.
Gateway Center, Room 035
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform students about the new campus carry law and answer students' questions.
Watch the Oct. 13 Campus Carry Student Town Hall meeting.


Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015
12 p.m. 
Gateway Center, Room 035
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform students about the new campus carry law and answer students' questions.

Watch the Oct. 20 Campus Carry Student Town Hall meeting.

Staff Town Hall Meetings

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015
2 p.m.
Bruce Hall, Concert Room D250
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force  were present to inform staff members about the new campus carry law and answer questions.

Watch the Oct. 14 Campus Carry Staff Town Hall meeting.


Monday, Oct. 19, 2015
8:30 a.m. 
Gateway Center, Room 035
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform staff members about the new campus carry law and answer questions.

Watch the Oct. 19 Campus Carry Staff Town Hall meeting.

Faculty Town Hall Meetings

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015
2 p.m.
Gateway Center, Room 035
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform faculty members about the new campus carry law and answer questions.
Watch the Oct. 21 Campus Carry Faculty Town Hall meeting.


Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015
9 a.m.
Willis Library, Room 140
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform faculty members about the new campus carry law and answer questions.
Watch the Oct. 22 Campus Carry Faculty Town Hall meeting.

Discovery Park Town Hall Meeting

Friday, Oct. 16, 2015
12:30 p.m.
Discovery Park, Room B155
Members of UNT's Campus Carry Task Force were present to inform students, faculty and staff about the new campus carry law and answer questions.
Watch the Oct. 16 Campus Carry Discovery Park Town Hall meeting.