Housing community standards

Student group

Housing community standards

Housing community standards establish an environment in which a large number of residents may live together with maximum freedom while recognizing the rights of other residents. Ideally, residents accept the responsibility of living in a community situation and are aware of how their actions affect others.


Residents who have general complaints about the conditions of the halls or their rooms, compliance with policy or other conflicts within their living environment should initially direct their concerns to their RA. If a resident is uncomfortable speaking with an RA or if they are dissatisfied with the RA’s response, a resident may schedule an appointment through the hall front desk to speak with the Hall Director. Residents who remain dissatisfied after speaking with the Hall Director may schedule an appointment with the appropriate central housing office official by calling 940-565-2610.

This complaint process does not provide another opportunity to challenge a disciplinary sanction. Additionally, issues related to discrimination, sexual violence and other criminal matters should be addressed as set forth elsewhere in this Handbook.

Computer Use

Residents using internet through Apogee must abide by the UNT Computer Use Policy (14-003) which can be found at http://policy.unt.edu/sites/default/files/14.003_ComputerUse_2005.pdf. The University Computer Use Policy prohibits criminal and illegal acts which may involve, but are not limited to the following: unauthorized access, intentional corruption or misuse of computer resources, violation of copyright, theft, obscenity, or child pornography.

Residents may not participate in unauthorized duplication and distribution of software or other copyrighted materials, including copyrighted music, movies, graphics, etc. Exceptions to this are specific authorization by the copyright holder or use under the fair use provisions of the copyright law. Apogee also does not allow use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) or BitTorrent file sharing programs. Residents who are found to be in violation of copyright laws will be charged $100 to remove the illegally downloaded file(s) and the program that was used to download it. Apogee will disconnect a user’s internet for a copyright violation until the file(s) and program are removed.

If information from a social networking or other website is brought to the attention of Housing staff and suggests that a student is in danger, has made any threats, or has violated the Code of Student Conduct, the University may investigate and respond accordingly.


Residents will be held accountable for any damage they cause to University property, including resident rooms and common areas.


Residents may have guests of the opposite sex in their resident rooms, in the hallways, and on the wings during designated guest visitation hours provided they secure the consent of their roommate(s) and comply with all guest policies. Because a resident should feel safe and comfortable in his/her own room, a resident’s request for any guest to leave his/her room, regardless of the guest’s sex, must be honored, even if the request is made during visitation hours. The spirit of this policy should be upheld irrespective of sexual preference and regardless of the sex or gender of the guest.

Guest Visitation Hours

Freshmen Visitation Hours (first year out of high school and/or first year of college):

  • Sunday—Thursday: 10:00 am-1:00 am
  • Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am-2:30 am

Upper-class student Visitation Hours

  • Sunday –Thursday: 10:00 am – 1:00 am
  • Friday and Saturday: 24 hours

Visitation Hours apply to the residence hall room. Therefore, students in a room belonging to freshmen must adhere to the Freshmen Visitation Hours, regardless of their designation. Similarly, freshmen are allowed to visit upper-class residents in their rooms during appropriate Upper-class Visitation Hours.

Guest Expectations

  • Guests should respect residence hall policies at all times and cooperate fully with hall staff. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and will be responsible for any damages their guests cause.
  • Guests must enter and exit through the main entrance and are expected to stay in the room they are visiting and not wander the halls.
  • According to individual hall policies guests may need to be accompanied by the resident when entering and leaving the residence hall.
  • After guest visitation hours, individuals are not allowed to remain in common spaces (e.g., TV rooms, lounges, kitchenettes), unless he/she is the guest of a resident in that residence hall.

Overnight Guests

  • In all cases of overnight guests, roommates should discuss the upcoming visit(s) and set guidelines prior to the guest’s stay. If there are problems, it is the responsibility of the roommate who is unhappy with the situation to enlist the RA to assist in finding a resolution to the problem.
  • Guests may not stay in a room for more than three nights in a ten-day period. Longer guest stays are subject to Hall Director approval.
  • A maximum of two guests are allowed in a multiple occupancy room on a given night.
  • If a resident wishes to have a sibling or child who is a minor stay overnight the resident must obtain the consent of their Hall Director.

Practice Hours

Music practice hours vary from hall to hall. In some halls practicing is prohibited. Students should consult the staff in their hall to find out the policy in their building.

Quiet Hours

During Quiet Hours residents are expected to keep noise levels to a minimum in order to accommodate the sleep and study habits of their peers. Noise restrictions include conversations in hallways, telephone calls, and other noises, such as radios, televisions, or slamming doors. The primary, initial responsibility for the enforcement of Quiet Hours belongs to the residents. Residents disturbed by noise exceeding Quiet Hours guidelines are encouraged to approach the other student personally and politely ask the student to comply with the Quiet Hours policy. If the request is disregarded, the resident should then contact a hall staff member.

Quiet Hours generally are as follows:

Mozart Square: 20-hour quiet hours

  • Sunday-Monday: 10 pm – 6 pm

Traditions Hall and Santa Fe Square: 19-hour quiet hours

  • Sunday-Monday: 10 pm – 5 pm

All Other Halls:

  • Sunday - Thursday: 10 pm –10 am
  • Friday and Saturday: midnight – noon

Quiet Hours may be amended with the approval of Central Housing and the individual hall staff. Housing may establish “quiet wings” in certain halls (with extended Quiet Hours all year) based on student interest and hall need. In most halls Quiet Hours are extended during Dead Week and Finals Week each semester.

In addition to the Quiet Hour policy, Courtesy Hours are in effect in every hall 24 hours a day. Students are expected to extend courtesy and respect to their neighbors at all times by keeping conversations, music, and other noise at a reasonable level. Any student approached by a peer regarding a noise complaint should demonstrate respect by attempting to lower noise levels. Consistently loud residents will be required to meet with the Hall Director.

Roommate/Suitemate Relationships

Residents should respect their roommate or suitemate’s privacy in their residence hall room and bathroom. At no time may an individual take photos or video of another person in a private place, including a hall room or bathroom, without that person’s consent.

Roommate Conflicts

Most roommate conflicts can be solved directly by the residents through open, respectful communication. When these efforts fail, the residents should contact their RA so that conflict mediation can be arranged. If the RA is unable to resolve the matter with the roommates, the matter will be referred to the Hall Director. If a conflict cannot be resolved informally or is being addressed through the disciplinary process, Housing staff may relocate one or all of the residents involved to another room or residence hall. Residents who exhibit a pattern of behavior that creates conflict with multiple roommates may be subject to relocation or removal from Housing as well as a possible referral to the Dean of Students office.

Solicitation and Posting

Solicitation in the residence halls must have educational and/or charitable purpose and is limited to the following activities. The full UNT Solicitation Policy is available at Solicitation Policy

Informational Tables

Departments, campus organizations, and charitable and non-profit organizations may sponsor an informational table in a residence hall with the permission from the Residence Life Coordinator for Residential Education & Assessment.


Individuals, companies, or groups wishing to post flyers in the residence halls must present the materials to Central Housing for approval. Flyers that are determined to have educational intent will be approved, distributed to the residence halls, and posted by Housing staff.

Thermostats and Vents

Residents may not tamper with thermostats or vents in student rooms or in common areas. In most halls, resident room vents are part of an airflow return system, which has been precisely calibrated. Opening windows or tampering with these vents alters the airflow and disrupts the comfort of the entire wing. Students should call the front desk staff regarding any temperature complaints.


Due to the sensitive nature of the residence hall heating and air-conditioning systems, windows must remain closed and locked at all times unless otherwise advised by the hall staff or publicized by the hall front desk. , Mozart Square and Santa Fe Square residents may open their windows only when not using their individual heating or air conditioning units. Open windows can damage or render the heating and air conditioning equipment ineffective (often resulting in the extreme discomfort of other rooms in the hall and on the wing).

Students are not allowed on window ledges and may not use window ledges for storage, throw objects from windows, or hang objects from windows or railings.

Window screens must be kept in place at all times. Removal of window screens may result in reinstallation charges.