Strategic Directions 2019 - 2021


Strategic Directions

2019 - 2021

Expand, Enrich, Enhance, Engage

Expand our Reach

UNT is growing. The Libraries services, collections, and spaces need to serve a vast community of over 38,000 students and 3500 employees. Many of our current services are aimed at a smaller population, so from now on our physical and virtual components must be designed for more diverse and geographically distributed users.

Benefits of scale can be achieved by rethinking how we deliver services, modifying experiences for broader groups, examining current processes, and incorporating innovative technologies.

Enrich Discovery and Access

A major component of a research library is collecting resources for our users. Even with all of the resources available, if you cannot find what you are looking for when you need it, it is effectively hidden. Our collections need to be discoverable and accessible to the widest range of users in the places that they are expecting to find them.

Improvements can be achieved by rethinking interfaces and systems for searching existing content as well as developing new workflows and methodologies in describing and acquiring library resources. Improving access can encompass digitization of resources to make them available to all of our users wherever they are, streamlining access to journal articles the library already owns, and making sure that our collections are accessible to all of our users.

Enhance Research

UNT is a research university with a broad spectrum of research areas. We have always supported this research through the library collections and graduate student instruction: however, as the research landscape changes, we can transform ways to support researchers throughout the research process.

Through well-developed services, workshops and collaborations with campus partners we can develop a framework which provides researchers with the tools and resources they need throughout the research life cycle. Encouraging and supporting research activities of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty enables us to actively contribute in advancing academic scholarship.

Engage and Inspire

On a campus that values caring and creativity along with academics and research it is imperative that we provide inspiring and engaging physical and digital spaces where users can find meaningful and positive support along with the opportunity to encounter unexpected experiences and resources that enrich their academic journey.

With this emphasis on improving the user experience, we will invest in the success of our communities through developing active learning environments, delivering user centered services and promoting innovation and creativity.
