Music History

Yossi Maurey

Jerusalem, The New Jerusalem, and Jerusalems in Medieval Music and Liturgy
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 4:00pm
Wooten Hall 222

Please join us for Dr. Yossi Maurey's lecture on Wednesday, November 13th at 4:00 pm in Wooten Hall.  Dr. Maurey is Professor of Musicology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  The title of his lecture is "Jerusalem, The New Jerusalem, and Jerusalems in Medieval Music and Liturgy."  His visit is sponsored by the Jewish and Israel Studies Program, Division of Music History, Theory, and Ethnomusicology, and the American Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  This event is free admission to all!

Margaret Notley


Margaret Notley's book, Taken by the Devil: The Censorship of Frank Wedekind and Alban Berg's “Lulu,” will be published by Oxford University Press in September as part of the AMS Studies in Music, the official series of the American Musicological Society. Click here for more information. 

Benjamin Brand

Benjamin Brand began a three-year term as vice president of the board of directors of the Dallas Chamber Music Society. Under Dr. Brand’s leadership, the DCMS has partnered with the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture to offer courses in chamber music for lifelong learners.

April Prince

Paper Presentation

April Prince was invited to an international conference, “Die Herrlichste von Allen”: Clara Schumann zum 200. Geburtstag. The conference celebrated the 200th-year of Clara Schumann’s birth. The conference took place in three German cities from May 9-12: Zwickau, Dresden, and Leipzig. Her paper is entitled “Complicating the Priestess: Clara Schumann, Virtuosity, and the Visual.”

Hendrik Schulze

Paper Presentation

Hendrik Schulze (Music History) has presented at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music at Durham, NC. The title of his contribution was, Monteverdi, Cavalli, and the Aristotelians: What Did They Mean When They Said, “Opera”?


Volume 25 (2018) of Theoria - Historical Aspects of Music Theory is now available!  Theoria is edited by Frank Heidlberger and published by UNT Press.  For additional details and how to order, please click here!

Amy Cooper (PhD, musicology)

Amy Cooper (PhD, musicology) was awarded a Graduate Research Experiences Abroad Travel Grant (GREAT Grant) from UNT to support archival research in Great Britain for her PhD dissertation, "Borrowing Culture: British Music Circulating Libraries and Domestic Musical Practice, 1853–1910."

Matthias Brzoska

Meyerbeer's Grand Opera Le Prophète (1849) – The Concept of the New Critical Edition
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - 4:00pm
Music Building, Room 321

Please join us for Matthias Brzoska’s lecture: Meyerbeer's Grand Opera Le Prophète (1849) – The Concept of the New Critical Edition on Wednesday, April 10th at 4:00 pm in Music 321.  There will be a reception to follow in the Graham Green Room.  His visit will include a Panel: “Editing and Performing 19th-Century French Opera” on Wednesday, April 10th at 1:00 pm in Room 258.  Both the lecture and panel are open to the public. 
