Auxiliary Groups | Philosophy & Religion

Auxiliary Groups

Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA)

Organization Purpose/Mission:

We support
Equality among all genders, and constitutional and statutory measures to gain full equality locally, statewide, nationally, and globally. Safe, legal and accessible abortion, contraception, and family planning, including Medicaid funding and access for minors. Civil rights for all people, including affirmative action programs for women and people of color. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual, and queer rights. Anti-discrimination efforts on the basis of sex, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, ethnicity, age, marital status, national origin, size or disability. Non-violence and works to eliminate gender-based violence. Preservation of the environment, clean air and water, the elimination of smog, toxic and hazardous wastes, chemical and nuclear weaponry. Workers collective bargaining, pay equity, and the end of sweatshops.

Philosophy Bakes Bread

Food for thought about life and leadership, a radio show and podcast

The logo for WRFL Lexington, 88.1 FM.Welcome to the Web home for the Philosophy Bakes Bread, a radio show and podcast that first airs on WRFL Lexington, 88.1 fm, subsequently released as a podcast. Philosophy Bakes Bread is a production of the Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA) and is intended to showcase the public importance of philosophy, both for our everyday lives and for leadership in the policy world.

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The Dallas Philosophers Forum

The Dallas Philosophers Forum is a lecture series and discussion group which meets in the Dallas, Texas metroplex. The Dallas Philosophers Forum is dedicated to bringing philosophy, ideas, and intellectual discussion to an interested and educated audience in the DFW area.

The philosophy talks are designed to be engaging and non-technical and thus they are enjoyable by the layperson or academician alike: Philosophy made user friendly. In addition to the regular philosophy lecture meetings, the Dallas Philosophers Forum also sponsors a Philosophy Study Group.

Dallas Philosophers Forum gatherings begin with dinner and discussion for those who want to come an hour or so early, then a philosophy lecture followed by half an hour of questions from the audience. After the talks are over, everyone is encouraged to hang around and discuss the philosophical problems of the evening until the restaurant closes.

Whether you are a professional, student, retiree, professor, or simply enjoy intellectual discussion then the Dallas Philosophers Forum has something for you. Come see why the Forum has become a D/FW institution.

Please sign up for the e-mail list to be notified in advance of the next lecture. You will also receive any important news such as schedule changes.

International Association of Environmental Philosophy

Visit the IAEP Website

International Society for Environmental Ethics

Visit the ISEE Website

Institute of Applied Sciences at UNT

Visit the IAS Website

Center for Space Exploration Policy Research

Visit the CSEPR Website

American Academy of Indic Studies

Visit the IndicStudies Website

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