COGS | Communication Studies


COGS (Communication Organization of Graduate Students) is a student-run organization of graduate students in the Department of Communication Studies. COGS holds several meetings each semester to update graduate students on university and department news, discuss issues pertaining to the graduate student body, and plan events. COGS also invites faculty members to host seminars throughout the academic year. Popular seminars from last year included: vita workshop, comprehensive exam workshop, and thesis workshop. These seminars serve to guide and prepare students for graduate life and beyond. In addition to meetings and workshops, COGS holds several social activities each semester. COGS' social events provide graduate students with the opportunity for fellowship away from school.

What has COGS been up to?

This past Spring, the graduate students were active both in attending conferences and in preparing to submit proposals to upcoming conventions. In April, Anna Marsden and Rhett Richardson both presented papers at the Southern Speech Communication Association (SSCA) annual convention in Greenville, SC. Both Anna and Rhett were honored with "top paper/performance panel" recognition at this year's SSCA. Cotton Hensley also attended SSCA and had the opportunity to present Dr. Megan Morrissey's paper in her absence.

In February, the Communication Organization of Graduate Students (COGS) hosted a session led by Dr. Suzanne Enck about to submit papers and proposals for conferences. This session focused primarily on the upcoming National Communication Association (NCA) conference, which will be hosted this November just down I-35 in Dallas. In all, 7 of our current graduate students had papers accepted for the 2017 NCA conference, including Taylor Bell, Becca Boneau, Melisa Brown, Amnee Elkhalid, Cotton Hensley, Amanda Sileo, and Jordan Winget.

In coordination with COGS, Dr. Enck also worked with graduate students this year to help them submit proposals for travel grants to fund conference travel. Across the board, all students who submitted proposals were funded for at least one conference this year from travel grants sponsored by the Toulouse graduate school, the College of Arts & Sciences, and/or the Student Government Association Raupe travel grant.

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