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Women With Words: Female Pioneers in Journalism

Women With Words
Katie Sherrod, Gayle Reaves-King, Carolyn Barta and Leona Allen
Women With Words
Gayle Reaves-King and Carolyn Barta
Women With Words
Carolyn Barta and Leona Allen
Women With Words
Union Lyceum crowd
Women With Words
Q&A session
Women With Words
Dr. Tracy Everbach
Women With Words
Q&A session
Women With Words
Q&A session
Women With Words
Dr. Tracy Everbach, Carolyn Barta, Leona Allen, Gayle Reaves-King, Katie Sherrod and Dean Dorothy Bland
Women With Words
Katie Sherrod, Gayle Reaves-King, Carolyn Barta and Leona Allen
Women With Words
Katie Sherrod, Gayle Reaves-King and Carolyn Barta
Women With Words
Gayle Reaves-King and Carolyn Barta
Women With Words
Katie Sherrod
Women With Words
Women With Words Willis Display
Women With Words
Women With Words Willis Display

See the Women with Words exhibit on the 2nd floor of UNT's Willis Library through April 10, 2018.

March is Women's History Month, so what better way for the Mayborn School of Journalism to celebrate than to fete a dozen award-winning female journalists. "Women With Words: Female Pioneers in Journalism" at the University Union Lyceum featured a panel discussion with guests Leona Allen, Katie Sherrod, Carolyn Barta and Gayle Reaves that was moderated by Mayborn Associate Professor Tracy Everbach. The panelists discussed real-life experiences in newsrooms and broadcast studios, and also explored the unique issues facing women working in today's world of journalism. The discussion was also live-streamed and is now archived on the Mayborn School's website as a resource for students and researchers. You can re-watch the livestream of the event here.

Accompanying the March 21 discussion, Women With Words also featured an interactive exhibit displaying the stories and notable achievements of 12 legendary women journalists who've helped to pioneer the industry in Texas and beyond. The exhibit will be on display at the UNT Willis Library from March 20 thru April 10 and profiles the work of Sue Mayborn, Leona Allen, Clarice Tinsley, Keven Ann Willey, Gloria Compos, Kristi Nelson, Barbara Colegrove, Vivian Castleberry, Becky Munoz-Diaz, Carolyn Barta and Katie Sherrod.