Training Opportunities

There are a number of assessment training opportunities available to student affairs staff. Session descriptions are below.

Recommended Virtual Learning

In addition to in-person training, we highly recommend the resources available through the service. Through the University of North Texas subscription, UNT students and employees have access to the video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.

Click on the links below to access some of our favorite courses for assessment.

Live Training Opportunities 

Register and view scheduled training dates by logging into the Learning Portal. Click on Find Learning and then select Student Affairs_UNT under the left-hand category menu. Departments may request on demand sessions by emailing

Sesstion Title


Introduction to Assessment 

This session will provide participants an overview of the assessment cycle and how to use assessment findings to make continuous improvements. We will cover key assessment terminology and discuss the appropriate strategies for various assessments.

Mission, Vision and Values Workshop

This session provides departments with a facilitated workshop to develop a mission, vision and values statement for the department. Departments can have their entire staff participate (best for departments with less than 20 employees) or designate a core component of staff. Duration: 2 hours
This training is only offered on demand. 

Writing Student Learning Outcomes 

Participants will learn how to write specific and measurable student learning outcomes for student affairs and co-curricular learning. Activities will guide participants in identifying programs and services appropriate for learning outcomes assessment.

Choosing Assessment Methods for Co-curricular Assessment

Participants will learn various assessment methods for measuring student learning in the co-curricular environment. Participants will practice selecting assessment tools for outcomes previously written in the Writing Student Learning Outcomes workshop.

Suggested pre-requisite:  Writing Student Learning Outcomes for Student Affairs

Developing and Using Rubrics

Rubrics are one tool for conducting direct assessment of student learning. This session will outline the elements of well-crafted rubrics for use in co-curricular programs. Participants practice creating rubrics for a program within their unit.

Creating an Assessment Plan

This workshop will guide participants through the assessment cycle and elements of an assessment plan. Participants will identify essential learning outcomes and administrative outcomes for their unit and map a one-year assessment plan.

Writing Department Goals and Outcomes

This workshop will guide participants through writing specific and measurable department goals and outcomes with identified targets for success. Content will specifically address writing goals that address operational functions in student affairs units.

Using Assessment Results to Improve Practice

Participants will learn about analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Participants will be able to explain the importance of storytelling when reporting assessment results and be able to identify strategies for using results to improve practice.

Analyzing Assessment Data

This workshop is an introduction to understanding and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. We will discuss the use of Qualtrics, Microsoft Excel, and QDA Miner Lite for analyzing data.