Muhammad Kara


Humans of SGA

Featuring: Muhammad Kara

Bio: Born in Turkey, Muhammad Kara, grew up with divorced parents and was raised...

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Sign the petition for a more inclusive UNT |  Read the statement | Sit-in press release

  1. We DEMAND that the UNT System creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty of color.
  2. We DEMAND that the university institute a mandatory cultural competency course required of all students either in a first-year seminar or a stand-alone course integrated within Orientation and Transition Programs.
  3. We DEMAND that the university creates a specific outline to address diversity and inclusion practices in the strategic plan that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diversity curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus.
  4. We DEMAND that by the academic year 2021-2022 the University of North Texas increases the percentage of black, brown, and other marginalized identities among the faculty and staff campus­wide to match the demographic representation of our student population.
  5. We DEMAND the University will allocate new financial resources towards the expansion of the multicultural center and the entirety of the Division of Equity and Diversity. We believe our students deserve a building just like the greek life center to accommodate the needs of individual minority groups.


Take a moment to explore our website to learn more information about our executive board, senators, and the different ways that SGA can benefit you, the student. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, or come by our office in Union 344 to meet with us in person.

Who We Are 

The Student Government Association is the official voice of the undergraduate student body at the University of North Texas. As an organization, we are committed to making each student’s opinions and concerns heard in the administration. The Student Government Association is comprised of an Executive Branch, Student Senate, Supreme Court, and the Intern Program. Together, these factions work with students across the University and administration to make our campus better for everyone.


 Memorandum of Understanding | Student Constitution |  By-Laws | Budget | Election Code

Services Provided by the SGA 

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Financial Aid Advisory Committee
By: Student Government Association
“The Student Government Association is charged with filling 45 committee positions. Looking to get involved?...
By: Student Government Association
Raupe Travel Grant is a scholarship for UNT students who are attending a conference that will not only...
By: Student Government Association



Connect with Us

(940) 565-3850
Physical Address
The Union, Suite 344