Grad Track Pathways - Merchandising

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The Grad Track Pathway toward a M.S. in Merchandising offers students an opportunity to earn both the BS and MS degree in a shorter time period at less cost than earning both degrees separately. The Grad Pathway is intended for selected students as preparation to pursue career goals or for preparation to pursue a doctoral degree.

Click here to download Grad Track Pathway program

Benefits of this program:

  • Earn a Master’s Degree in less time.
  • Save upto 12 credit hours of graduate tuition and university fees.
  • Gain a competitive edge in the workforce when you complete the program.

How does it work?

Students conditionally admitted start taking the Pathways courses after completing at least 90 hours of coursework towards their bachelor's degree program. Students must complete the bachelor's degree within one academic year of their first pathways course in order to have the graduate course credits transferred to their graduate plan of study. Students who satisfy all the requirements for their undergraduate degree and who complete successfully the graduate courses required by the Grad Track Pathway curriculum receive unconditional admission to the graduate degree program


Students completed 75 hours or more credit hours of their bachelor's degree program and have an overall GPA of 3.5 before applying

How to Apply?

Grad Track Pathway applicants must receive approval from their undergraduate advisor and the Pathways Graduate program