M.S. in Merchandising

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The Master of Science degree in merchandising offers an integrated program of study that prepares students to solve complex problems, create new opportunities in competitive markets, and to understand components that support successful consumer-driven businesses. focusing on the management of products, services, and experiences in a consumer-driven global market.

Our program prepared students to become leaders in the global industry as well as scholars in higher education

Effective leaders are developed through core competencies including solving complex problems, generating new knowledge, communicating effectively, and creating new product and business strategies. Graduate coursework in research methods, research applications, merchandising strategies, international sourcing, and consumer theory prepare students for careers in industry or higher education.

MS in Merchandising Checklist

Marketable Skills for MS in Merchandising

  1. Research presentation
  2. Articulate merchandising theories, principles, and practices
  3. Merchandising capabilities
  4. Application of appropriate research methods
  5. Solve complex problems through independent inquiry

Degree Plan
During the first semester in the merchandising program, the student must work with their assigned major professor to submit a degree plan to the Toulouse Graduate School. The major professor, the department chair, and the Toulouse Graduate School must approve the degree plan. Once filed, the major professor must approve any changes. Students who deviate from their degree plan must have permission from their major professor and submit a Degree Plan Modification Form

Degree Plan Form

Degree Plan Modification Form

Merchandising Graduate Thesis Option

Students may elect to conduct original research during the course of their graduate study. With the thesis option, the student will develop an idea that is suitable for a comprehensive research project. A major professor will be selected to mentor and guide the thesis project. 

A minimum of 36 semester hours with a minimum of 30 semester hours (including 6 hours of thesis) in CMHT is required. 

Merchandising Graduate Non-Thesis Option

Studentsmay elect to earn research experience through PILOT option by taking a 3 hour PILOT course for a single semester. With PILOT, students have 4 options- research paper, conceptual paper, consultancy report, and case study

A minimum of 36 semester hours with a minimum of 30 semester hours (including 3 hours of thesis) in CMHT is required. 

MS Merchandising 100% Online

Students can earn MS in Merchandising through 100% online courses.