Division news

The following is a listing of recent accomplishments and activities by students, alumni, and faculty of the UNT composition program. Items are listed in reverse chronological order and may be filtered using the menus below:
Sat, Jun 15 2019 |

The first movement of Becoming, a new work for live piano and voice, immersive sound, projected digital video and graphics, and dance by alumnus composer Brad Robin (PhD 2016) was previewed at Northwestern University in June 2018.  Dr. Robin is currently a lecturer in the Music Department at DePaul University, Chicago. 

Sat, May 18 2019 |

Undergraduate composer Cody Myre has been invited to attend the 2019 Cortona Sessions for New Music in Cortona, Italy, from 18 May through 1 June 2019. During the sessions, a new work of his will be premiered.

Thu, Feb 28 2019 |

Undergraduate composer Cody Myre’s work for bass clarinet, titled Emerge, will be performed at the 2019 Washington State University Festival of Contemporary Art Music on the weekend of 28 February 2019 by clarinetist Ashley Holtrop.

Tue, Feb 19 2019 |

Alumnus composer Daniel Sabzghabaei's (BM 2014) recent New York Festival of Song commission, At The Door, will receive a reprise in the Spring of 2019, on a program entitled Hyphenated Americans, as part of the NYFOS main-stage season, Wednesday 20 February 2019 at the Kaufman Music Center, inside Merkin Hall.

Sat, Dec 15 2018 |

Recent performances (2018) by alumnus composer Brad Robin (PhD 2016) include Consumption for six channel fixed media at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), International Computer Music Festival (ICMC) in Daegu, South Korea, CHIME Festival (University of Chicago), New Music on the Bayou (Ruston, LA), and NSEME (University of North Texas).  

Mon, Oct 22 2018 |

Faculty composer Joseph Klein will be one of two featured composers (along with Libby Larsen) at the 38th Annual Contemporary Music Festival at James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA), 22-24 October 2018.  

Fri, Sep 28 2018 |

Works by two UNT composers have been selected for performance on the 2018 SCI Student National Conference at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (September 2018): doctoral composer Jacob Thiede's work And everything in-between for flute and computer music, and alumnus composer Daniel Sabzghabaei's (BM 2014) wind ensemble work, ThruDimension, the latter of which will be performed by the IU Symphonic Band, conducted by Prof. Eric M. Smedley.

Thu, Sep 27 2018 |

Doctoral composer Christopher Poovey's 2 Strands will be performed at the 2018 Seoul International Computer Music Festival held 27-30 September 2018. 

Fri, Aug 31 2018 |

Alumnus composer Daniel Sabzghabaei's (BM 2014) solo violin work, Hāl - Chahārgāh, was performed by acclaimed violinist Ayano Ninomiya at the Moab Music Festival's opening night concert on 31 August 2018 at historic Star Hall in Moab, Utah.

Mon, Aug 06 2018 |

Two alumni composers, Joshua Harris (PhD 2013) and Mark Oliveiro (PhD 2016), were selected to participate in the ICMC 2018 Conference in Daegu, South Korea, 5-10 August 2018.

Wed, Aug 01 2018 |

Doctoral composer Jacob Thiede’s work And everything in-between will be performed at the 2018 National Flute Assocation's Annual Convention in August 2018 by flutist Krisztina Dér

Sun, Jul 22 2018 |

Works by three UNT doctoral composers were presented at the 2018 New York City Electronic Music Festival in July 2018: Mark Vaughn's The Curved Line in the Garden for fixed media, Jacob Thiede’s And everything in-between for flute and computer (performed by flutist Linda Wetherill), and Christopher Poovey's only through fractures may light shine for double bass and live electronics (performed by Jack McGuire). 

Tue, Jun 26 2018 |

Doctoral composer Michael Smith presented his research on using Virtual Reality for 3D spatialization at the Sounds in Space conference at the University of Derby (England) in June 2018. Michael discussed his software VRSoundMapper and its various options for positioning sounds in a 3D sound field. 

Sat, May 19 2018 |

Graduate composer Bihe Wen’s composition Regression for fixed media was selected from among more than 450 submissions for performance at the ISCM World New Music Days held at the Beijing Modern Music Festival, 19-26 May 2018.  It was also selected for performance in Semaine internationale de la musique électroacoustique SIME 2018, 18-24 April 2018, at the Université Lille in Lille, France.

Fri, Apr 20 2018 |

Faculty composer Joseph Klein will be the featured speaker at two concerts by Orchestra 2001 in April 2018, including the Philadelphia premiere of Frank Zappa's The Yellow Shark at The Fillmore Philly in April 2018.  This residency was supported by a grant from The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, and will also include a program of works by Edgard Varèse, Igor Stravinsky, Anton Webern, and Pierre Boulez.

Thu, Mar 29 2018 |

Nine UNT-affiliated composers were selected to participate in the SEAMUS 2018 Conference at the University in St. Cloud of Oregon, 29-31 March 2018: faculty members Panayiotis Kokoras and Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, students Miguel Espinel, Christopher Poovey, and Mark Vaughn, and alumni Paul Thomas, David Gedosh, Eli Fieldsteel, and Mikel Kuehn.  

Sun, Mar 25 2018 |

Torrents for live saxophone and fixed media, a work by alumnus composer Brad Robin (PhD 2016), was premiered at the North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) at University of Cincinnati in March 2018, and subsequently performed at New Music DePaul (NMDP). 

Sat, Mar 17 2018 |

Alumnus composer Daniel Sabzghabaei (BM 2014) was recently selected for Beth Morrison Projects' new BMP: Next Generation program. Through this initiative, Daniel will be working with distinguished NYC-based chamber ensemble Contemporaneous and conductor David Bloom in a series of workshops in NYC, culminating in a performance of his work Two Reflections on The Belovèd at National Sawdust in Brooklyn on 17 March 2018.

Sat, Mar 10 2018 |

Doctoral composer Jacob Thiede’s work While it was raining in the woods was featured on the 2018 SCI National Conference in March 2018 at the University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA).

Mon, Mar 05 2018 |

Doctoral composer Jacob Thiede presented his paper titled The Broken Saxophone: Exploring problems and solutions to contemporary saxophone techniques through Alex Mincek's "Ali" at the 2018 Biennial North American Saxophone Alliance Conference held at the University of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music in March 2018. 
