College of Science Scholarships Application | College of Science

College of Science Scholarships Application

1 application, 30+ scholarships, $80,000

Hey potential scholarship applicant! This application will put you into consideration for over 30 scholarships worth nearly $80,000. You're more eligible than you might think: some of these scholarships only require that you're a major in the College of Science. What have you got to lose?

The deadline to submit your application is Friday, February 28th, 2020 by 5:00 PM CST.

If you have any questions about this form, you can contact Amy-Marie Baker at or (940) 369-8072.

Your contact information

Your student information

Eligibility questions

Don't worry if you don't answer yes to some of these questions. Not all of our scholarships have additional eligibility requirements. This will help us determine if you are eligible for a few others.

We strongly recommend you complete your FAFSA before submitting this form. Based on your selections on this form so far, it looks like you may qualify for some scholarships that also require you fill out your FAFSA. It's okay if you haven't filled out your FAFSA for this year, but that means you won't qualify for some scholarships if you don't fill it out. You can fill out your FAFSA at (Link opens in a new window.)

Upload your essay

Many of our scholarships require essays about your experiences and goals. Try to keep your essay to one page max, but don't stress if it's more than that. We're looking for an essay that describes any or all of the following:

  1. Your career goals, including but not limited to:
    • What you want to do after finishing your current degree.
    • How your specific education will help you achieve your goals.
    • Any internships, jobs, or real-world experiences you've had related to your career goals.
  2. Your extracurricular activities, including but not limited to:
    • Participation in student organizations.
    • Volunteer work.
    • Community or civic contributions.
  3. Your research interests or activities.
  4. Any hardships or difficulties you've faced in pursuing your education.

You'll need to submit your essay as a PDF. View instructions on how to create a PDF (the link opens in a new window, don't worry!)

Upload your transcript(s)

Submit your unofficial transcripts here. We require at least 1, but you may include up to 4. Include the most up-to-date copies you have access to use.

You'll need to submit your transcripts as PDFs. View instructions on how to create a PDF (the link opens in a new window, don't worry!)

Your references

Please give us the email addresses for 2 references from whom you wish to request letters of recommendation. We will send them a web link via email at which they can submit their letters of recommendation for you.

We recommend that you let your references know ahead of time that you're requesting a letter from them. That way, they'll know to keep an eye out for the email--and get your recommendation in sooner!

We strongly recommend you let your references know ahead of time that you're seeking scholarship recommendations from them. You can continue and submit this form if you haven't let them know, but you're much more likely to get useful recommendations from your references that will help you land a scholarship if you let them know ahead of time.

Other scholarship forms for you

Before you submit this form, we want to let you know that you may qualify for other scholarships that aren't included in this application form.

Good news! Based on your answers on this form, you might be eligible for scholarships in the Department of Chemistry. After you submit this form, we highly recommend submitting the Chemistry scholarship form (link opens in a new window) to be considered for over $20,000 in additional scholarships.

Good news! Did you know Teach North Texas also offers scholarships to its students? After submitting this form, we highly recommend submitting the TNT scholarship form (link opens in a new window) to be considered for over $10,000 in additional scholarships.

One last question...

We've got one last question for you. Answering this helps us better promote our scholarships, which in turn helps students like you get connected with these financial aid opportunities.

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