Borrowing Books and other Regular Circulating Items

University Libraries, Unt Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


Most books, scores, and a number of other kinds of items within our collections are considered regular circulating materials unless noted as “non-circulating,” or placed on reserves. These materials are located at various locations and may be checked out at one of our service desks.

Books / Scores / Other Regular Circulating Items

Most books, scores, and a number of other kinds of items within our collections are considered regular circulating materials unless noted as “non-circulating,” or placed on reserves. These materials are located at various locations and may be checked out at one of our service desks.

All regular circulating items are subject to recall. Please see the Recall Policy for more information.


Undergraduate Students

  • Loan Period: 3 weeks
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: No Limit
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine

Graduate, & Doctoral Students

  • Loan Period: Semester
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: No Limit
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine

Honors Students

  • Loan Period: 6 weeks
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: No Limit
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine

Unenrolled Students

*If you are an unenrolled graduate student or an unenrolled undergraduate student, please contact Access Services at (940) 565-2413 regarding checkout privileges.

Faculty / Staff (Including Retirees)

  • Loan Period: Semester
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: No Limit
  • Fines Rate*:

Other Patrons

Courtesy Card Holders

  • Loan Period: 3 Weeks
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: 10 items
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine

TexShare Academic Library

  • Loan Period: 3 Weeks
  • Renewals Allowed*: Yes
  • Check Out Limits: No Limit
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine

TexShare Public Library

  • Loan Period: 3 Weeks
  • Renewals Allowed*: Limit: 1 Renewal
  • Check Out Limits: 5 items
  • Fines Rate*: $0.35 cents per day, $39.90 maximum fine


  • Created/Approved: 05/29/12
  • Revised: 01/11/17

License Information

This Policy: "Borrowing Books and other Regular Circulating Items" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.