Preparing to Teach a Course at UNT

This section of the Handbook provides resources for preparing to teach a class at UNT.

  • This Teaching Commons article, Preparing to Teach a UNT Course for the First Time, provides an outline of tasks and questions to think about that can help you develop organizational strategies for teaching, including working with teaching assistants.
  • Preparing the Course Syllabus: A Checklist includes an overview of UNT required syllabus elements, along with suggested elements. The article also includes helpful interactive checklist for writing a course syllabus that you can download and/or print out.
  • If you are designing a new course or redesigning a course for the first time, we recommend checking out the Teaching Commons Course Design Teaching Essential. More specifically, you might start with an introduction to backward course design, or read this article about thinking like a course designer.
  • Teaching large classes presents unique challenges. Download this checklist with tasks and ideas for preparing for teaching a large class.
  • Finally, since the first day of class is often one of the most important class periods in terms of setting tone and managing expectations, we recommend this First Day of Class checklist.
  • In addition to the above checklist, we recommend downloading and saving this additional checklist with tasks to complete by the first two weeks of class and by the end of the semester.