Teaching Resources at UNT

This section of the Handbook provides an overview of the variety of resources for assisting instructors with teaching at the university.

Center for Learning Experimentation, Application, and Research (CLEAR)

The Center for Learning Experimentation, Application, and Research (CLEAR) supports the university’s goal of enhancing learning-centered environments, thereby helping students gain the most from their academic experience. CLEAR assists faculty in the creation, design, implementation, and assessment of courses, and also serves as the liaison for various administrative and technical support functions, thereby saving faculty's time, talent, and creative energies for their students. Examples of services include:

  • Consultation – CLEAR provides consultation services for faculty members regarding course design, effective teaching practices, and assessment, regardless of class modality.
  • Online course and program approval – CLEAR manages the approval of all courses delivered at least 50% online, as well as fully online programs. In addition to these services, CLEAR also provides guidance to department chairs and program coordinators whose departments are currently offering or are interested in implementing online learning courses or programs. Marketing support is also a part of these services.
  • Learning management system support – CLEAR provides support for the university’s learning management system.
  • Production - CLEAR offers a full range of free media production services to UNT faculty for online and blended course creation and enhancement. Project requests are made through instructional consultants. Turn-around time for projects will vary depending on the scope of the project and the length of the production queue.
  • Faculty Development - The center offers a variety of programs, initiatives, and events to enhance teaching and learning throughout the university for both face-to-face and online classes. The center is available for one-on-one consultations as well as custom workshops for individual departments. Topics can include a broad range of subjects in teaching, learning, and assessment techniques.
  • Teaching Commons - Teaching Commons is a virtual resource and gathering space for connecting anyone with teaching responsibilities at the University of North Texas, hosted by CLEAR. Resources include articles on a variety of teaching-related topics, including course design, teaching with technology, classroom management, etc.
  • CLEAR also provides support for a variety of software and supported technologies for teaching.
  • CLEAR facilitates the delivery of videoconference-based courses every semester and schedules many non-class related videoconferences.


The CARE Team is a collaborative group of officials from various UNT offices who meet weekly to discuss solutions for students exhibiting at-risk behaviors. The CARE Team website offers tips for identifying students who are in distress, a flow chart analysis for how to respond when a student seems to be at-risk, and information about how to report a student to the CARE Team for further consideration. Visit the CARE Team website for more information.

Classroom Support Services (CSS)

Classroom Support Services (CSS) provides and maintains audiovisual equipment in UNT's general-use classrooms. Instructors who have difficulty operating any A/V equipment in a classroom (including difficulty in the middle of a class) or who need to request special equipment that is not regularly available in the classroom should contact CSS directly by phone or online. Visit their website for more information.

University Information Technology (UIT)

Central computing services in support of instruction and research are provided through Academic Computer Services. UIT oversees many programs that may be of assistance to instructors:

  • General Access Labs – General access computer labs, located throughout the Denton campus, provide access to hundreds of computers for use by UNT students. The general access labs contain both Windows and Macintosh personal computers with laser printing capabilities. An adaptive computing lab is available for persons with disabilities.
  • Internet Services Academic – Provides a suite of internet services available to all students. EagleConnect is the official student e-mail system of the University of North Texas, and university policy requires that students activate and read their Eagle Mail. A bulk mail service allows faculty to send Eagle Mail to their students simply by entering their course and section number. In addition to e-mail services, personal web publishing and dialup Internet access are available as part of UNT Internet Services.
  • Student Help Desk – Provides a centralized referral service to advise students on a wide variety of computing subjects and assist them in trouble-shooting problems. Some colleges also have an information technology help desk. Check with your department to determine if your college has its own information technology help desk.
  • Exam and Research Data Services – Exam and Research Data Services provides automated examination grading, research support, optical-scan survey forms and processing of faculty course evaluations.

Counseling and Testing

Counseling and Testing Services (CTS) provides a wide range of psychological services to assist students, including crisis counseling and referral and career counseling and testing. Consultation and outreach programming are also available for faculty, staff, and students.

CTS administers computer-based testing for GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and CLEP. CTS also administer most national tests including THEA, MCAT, SAT and ACT.

Visit the center’s website for more information.

Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity

The Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity is committed to executing the mission of the university as it relates to the recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, and students. The primary goal of this office is to develop a supportive environment for a culturally diverse faculty, staff, and student body. The Division of Equity and Diversity provides a safe zone for all. Visit the division’s website for more information.

Multicultural Center

The center is committed to cultivating a campus environment where people of all identities and experiences can thrive. It fosters the success and awareness of historically underrepresented student populations with an emphasis on disability, ethnicity, gender, interfaith, race and sexual orientation. The Center’s programs and activities are developed to increase the awareness, understanding, and intersectionality of the various identities in the UNT community. Visit the center’s website for more information.

UNT International

UNT International assists all students, faculty, staff and all departments and colleges in administering, participating, and developing programs with an international emphasis. UNT International is committed to fostering an international perspective that amplifies the University’s mission of excellence in teaching and the discovery and application of knowledge through research and creative activities. Services include orientation for international students, advising for international students and scholars, an Intensive English Language Institute (IELI), an International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Training Program, etc. UNT International also houses the Study Abroad Office. Visit the website for more information.

Learning Center

The Learning Center was created to support academic success for all UNT students, both undergraduate and graduate. Programs include: academic coaching, tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, one-on-one tutoring, online tutoring, speed reading, Study Skills lab, the Early Alert Referral System, a wide range of workshops to support student specific needs, and more. Visit the center’s website for more information.


The University Libraries are the heart of teaching and academic research at UNT, offering access to more than 7 million catalogued print and digital holdings and expert personnel to assist patrons in achieving their scholarly goals. Areas of excellence include the Music Library, the Digital Libraries, Special Collections, and Government Documents. The Libraries operate a variety of facilities, on campus and off campus. Visit the UNT Libraries main website for more information and check out the variety of services they offer, including subject librarians who serve specific departments; library instruction workshops that teach students how to locate, evaluate, and use information relevant to their research; subject and course guides to help students locate course materials and other relevant resources; etc.

Office of Disability Accommodation

The Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) at the University of North Texas exists to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability and to help students reach a higher level of independence. ODA staff help students learn more about their disabilities, develop techniques to facilitate individual learning styles, learn how to talk to faculty and staff about their needs, and develop strategies to achieve goals.

The ODA provides a wide variety of services and resources spanning the full range of disabilities including, but not limited to, dyslexia, hearing loss, vision loss, mobility impairment, brain injury, learning disabilities, ADHD, mood disorders, chronic diseases and injuries, and other conditions that meet ADA definitional criteria. In addition, the ODA provides testing facilities for administration of classroom exams when faculty are not able to provide these accommodations. Visit the Office’s website for more information.

Toulouse Graduate School

The Toulouse Graduate School sponsors activities to cultivate a robust graduate community at the University of North Texas, characterized by a vibrant research environment; it facilitates the successes of students, programs and alumni via selective recruitment, career development, and unsurpassed services. Services include professional development workshops, milestone management, thesis/dissertation fellowships, assistantships and scholarships, travel grants, etc. Visit the school’s website for more information.

University Police

The mission of the UNT Police Department is to protect life, property, individual rights, and freedoms. The department’s purpose is to provide an environment that will aid the learning process. University police officers are commissioned and licensed by the State of Texas. They have the same police powers as municipal law enforcement officers and enforce state statues. The UNT Police Department has jurisdiction and authority that extends throughout Denton County, and it works closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

The department provides a full range of police services and programs on a routine or emergency basis for the university, including an emergency telephone system located throughout the campus, a security escort service, and various crime prevention programs.

Emergency number: 911

Non-emergency number: (940) 565-3000

Website: http://police.unt.edu/

Writing Lab

UNT’s Writing Lab offers free face-to-face and online tutoring to all UNT students (from incoming first-year students to graduate students). The Writing Lab website offers schedules of workshops, information about tutoring services, and games and other resources.