The UNT Syllabus

Instructors of record are responsible for developing course syllabi. The university requires consistent elements in each syllabus, including UNT specific requirements and institutional academic requirements, which mirrors legislatively mandated information.

Instructors can find the list of required syllabi elements in the UNT Course Syllabi Requirements Policy. Instructors can also find the standard syllabus statements via this link, as well. The Course Syllabi Requirements Policy also includes information on optional syllabi statements, along with suggested language, and additional policies regarding the creation, distribution, and usage of course syllabi. We encourage all instructors to read the policy in its entirety to stay up to date on university and legislative syllabi requirements.

Departments and/or Colleges may also require additional syllabus content. Instructors should check with their departments for this information.

Additional Syllabi Resources

  • For a syllabus writing checklist, click here.
  • To learn about the syllabus as an aid to student learning, click here.
  • For a sample syllabus for face-to-face courses, click here. We encourage instructors to download this document and adapt it to their needs. Note: This document is in a Microsoft Word format.
  • For a sample syllabus for fully online courses, click here. We encourage instructors to download this document and adapt it to their needs. Note: This document is in a Microsoft Word format.
  • See the Teaching Commons tag, syllabus, for the most recent teaching and learning articles related to the course syllabus.

