Communication Studies Minor/Certificates | Communication Studies

Communication Studies Minor/Certificates

Communication Studies Minor

The minor in Communication Studies requires a total of 18 semester hours, 6 of which must be in upper-level hours. Minors must observe the system of prerequisites for upper-level courses. For any additional questions or a consultation, please contact a COMM undergraduate advisor.

Common Courses that fulfill Upper-Level Prerequisites:

Comm 2020: Interpersonal Communication is the pre­req for all advanced Comm Courses that end in a 20 something (i.e. Comm 3920, 4220, 4829). Comm 2020 also meets Social and Behavioral Science Core requirement

Comm 2140: Advocating in Public is the pre­req for all advanced Comm Courses that end in a 40 something (i.e. Comm 4340, 3340, 4849). Comm 2140 also meets Discovery Core requirement

Comm 2060: Performance of Literature is the pre­req for all advanced Comm Courses that end in a 60 something (i.e. Comm 3865, 4060, 4869). Comm 2020 also meets the Creative Arts Core requirement

Digital Media Studies Certificate

The Digital Media Studies certificate is an interdisciplinary program shared amongst the Technical Communication, Communication Studies, and Media Arts departmets. Whether you're a comm major or not, you can get the certificate with as few as two extra courses. The certificate will add a great line to your transcript and resume, and you'll take classes that will expose you to all different types of digital media. To earn a certificate, you only need to complete four courses with a grade of B or higher. Talk to your major advisor about adding the certification to your degree audit.

Required Courses (9 hours)
COMM 3820 - Social Media Perspectives
RTVF 3360 - Social Media Strategies
TECM 1500 - New Media for Your College Career
TECM 3500 - Digital Media for Professional Communication

Electives (6 hours)
Selected from the following courses:
COMM 3420 - Communication and New Technology
COMM 4320 - Communications and Virtual Gaming
JOUR 4270 - Strategic Social Media
RTVF 4475 - Digital Media and Society
TECM 3200 - Information Design for Electronic Media
Internship Option - TECM 4920, RTVF 4480, or COMM 4800
with departmental approval

Speech Teacher Certification

Students interested in obtaining the Communication Studies (Speech) Teacher Certification must adhere to the requirements of being a communication studies major - as well as completing 21 hours of courses in the Department of Education and meeting the GPA requirements to apply for state certification. Upon completion of this program, students will be prepared to sit for the certification examinations in Speech. We encourage students to see an advisor in the Department of Education for further information.

Additional Courses (21 hours)
EDSE 3800 - Professional Issues in Teaching
EDSE 3830 - Teaching/Learning Process and Evaluation
EDSE 4060 - Content Area Reading in Secondary Schools
EDSE 4070 - Teaching Diverse Populations
EDSE 4108 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School
EDSE 4118 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School
EDSE 4840 - Instructional Strategies and Classroom Management

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