Travel Grants

Applications will open Monday, December 16th
Please submit all required documents during your application submission

Register here for the "How to Get a TGS Travel
Grant" workshop on January 17, 2020

The Graduate School offers a limited number of competitive scholarships to selected graduate students who are in good academic standing. These travel grants are offered to support the costs of travel to professional meetings that are relevant to their degree. Please see the abbreviated list of changes to travel grant eligibility instructions and requirements, effective August 2019. All applications must be completed before the deadline in order to be considered for a travel grant award. We are only accepting applications for travel that occurs during the 2019-2020 academic year. Please read through the instructions on this page before submitting your application and contact us if you have any questions.

To be eligible, graduate students:

  • Must be presenting research or a creative activity which they have authored/co-authored. It must have been peer-reviewed and accepted for presentation. If acceptance is pending, students can still apply, but the final award of a travel grant is contingent upon acceptance for presentation. Students who are simply attending a meeting without any active participation are ineligible for travel grant funding.
  • Must have an approved degree plan on file in the Graduate School.
  • Must have a $100-$500  match already secured from the applicant's department, college, or other appropriate source. These funds are matched on a 1:1 basis. Eligible graduate students may apply for a maximum of $500 with matching funds (for a maximum total of $1,000). 
  • Must attend at least 3 TGS Professional Development Graduate Workshops per academic year for which you are applying. You can attend these workshops in person or live online stream. If for any reason, you are unable to attend a workshop, videos are available online. To verify that the video was watched, please complete the associated video quiz for each video viewed before completing an application. Please list the name and date of the workshops you attended or watched on the appropriate application field.
  • Must complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training. This requirement can be met in one of two ways:
    • Online CITI Training – Please follow this link provided by the UNT Office of Research Integrity and Compliance (ORIC) to register for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course. Registration is free for all UNT affiliated students. Students will receive a certificate after completing the course, and TGS will keep a record on file to verify completion.
    • Designated RCR Workshops – Students may use attendance at one of our designated RCR professional development workshops for credit. Please check workshop descriptions to ensure that they meet the requirement. Attendance at one of these workshops can also be used towards the professional development workshop requirement. Note: RCR Workshops do not count towards the 3 workshops requirement when applying for the travel grant.

Applying for a Travel Grant

Note: If you are a College of Music student, please submit your application here.

  1. To begin, download the required forms:
    • Faculty Evaluation for Travel Grant Applicants: Give this to the appropriate faculty members who will verify matching funds and provide a quick evaluation. This form must be completed with the appropriate signatures, match information, and rating, and attached to your application.
    • Download a current copy of the UNT Travel Budget Authorization (TBA) form. This form should be completed by the department authorizing your matching funds and must be attached to your application. It must be signed by you (the student), a faculty member, and the financial officer or individual who is a financial decision-maker.  
  2. Gather your conference acceptance and workshop requirement information. Applications and all Toulouse Graduate School requirements must be fully completed before the deadline to be considered. Next, please log in and fill out the online application.

  3. Once your application is submitted, you'll receive a confirmation message. Your application will be reviewed during the next evaluation period and you'll be notified of acceptance or denial within two weeks of the submission deadline. Please keep in mind that the process is competitive and applying does not guarantee an award. 

Evaluation Periods

Travel grant applications can be submitted at any point throughout the academic year. The grants are awarded on a rolling basis with three evaluation periods throughout the semester. We notify students of their acceptance or denial 1-2 weeks after the evaluation deadline. Applications must be submitted and travel must occur within the same academic year (Fall through Summer).

Evaluation Period #1
Fall Awards
For travel occurring September-December
Evaluation Period #2
Spring Awards
For travel occurring January-April
Evaluation Period #3
Summer Awards
For travel occurring May-August
Deadline to apply: September 30
Deadline to apply: January 31
Deadline to apply: May 31

Priorities & Limitations

  • Preference will be given to students who are first-authors of scholarly research or creative presentations.
  • The maximum amount awarded will range between $100 - $500.
  • Students may receive only 1 Travel Grant for the academic year.
  • For projects that involve more than one student, a maximum of 2 travel grants can be awarded. The application must identify the student's co-author who is also applying for a travel grant.
  • Travel occurring in the current evaluation period will be given higher priority.
  • Students may no longer retroactively apply for funding for up to 1 year after traveling, but may still apply to receive a travel grant within the same academic year that the travel takes place.

Common Mistakes

  • Incomplete Faculty Evaluation forms
    Make sure that you have every section of the Faculty Evaluation form completely before submitting. This includes the Match Approval (chart string must be listed), AND the “ranking” on the bottom of the page. Appropriate faculty/staff signatures are required.
  • Incomplete Travel Budget Authorization (TBA) form
    Make sure that you have every section of the TBA form complete before submitting. The TBA must be signed by you (the student), supervisor (your primary instructor), and the holder of the funding account.
  • Missing degree plans
    Students must have an official degree plan on file with the graduate school. Please take care of this prior to applying for a travel grant.
  • Missing workshop requirements
    Please attend at least 3 professional development workshops during the academic year you're applying to meet the workshop requirement. If you cannot make it to campus, you can watch workshop videos online and pass the associated video quizzes for credit. Note: RCR Workshops do not count towards the 3 workshops requirement.
  • Please remember that a degree plan must be on file and 3 workshops must be completed before the application deadline in order to be considered for an award.


  • How do the matching funds work?
    Students must secure $100 to $500 in matching funds from their department, chair, advisor, or other appropriate source. Toulouse Graduate School will match these funds on a 1:1 basis.  This means that students who have $100 in matching funds can receive $100 from Toulouse, whereas students who have $500 in matching funds can receive up to $500 from Toulouse.

  • How do I receive matching funds from my department, chair, advisor, etc.?
    Effective for 2019-2020 Academic Year: The full travel grant award will be administered through your department or college.

  • I already attended my conference, can I still apply for funding?
    Yes - students can potentially receive retroactive funding for a conference that they have already attended, but travel must have occurred within the same academic year. For example, you may retroactively apply for funding during the February (Spring) and June (Summer) award periods for a conference that you attended during the fall semester.

  • Where do I submit my reimbursement form and receipts?
    Effective August 2019: Students will turn in all receipts and documentation to their department for reimbursement. Please do not submit forms to TGS.
  • I was awarded a travel grant; when will I receive my funds?
    Please follow the instructions detailed in your award letter to facilitate payment. You will need to contact your department for reimbursement instructions. You will need to submit receipts to your department and complete the online evaluation form no later than 2 weeks (14 days) after you return from your conference. Travel grant awards are always reimbursed after you return from travel; we do not send funds in advance. If advance funding is needed, please contact the Student Money Management Center.
  • How are travel grant funds disbursed?
    You will receive your travel grant award as a refund from Travel Accounting. Please contact your department representative for questions about your reimbursement status.
  • I was not awarded a travel grant during the previous award period. Will my application be automatically rolled over to the next evaluation period to be considered?
    We do not roll applications over to the next evaluation period. You must apply during each period (within the same academic year that your travel occurred) if you wish to be considered for a travel grant award.
  • For questions on the Travel Budget Authorization (TBA) form, contact your Department Travel Coordinator.

Other Opportunities

The Division of International Affairs administers the UNT International Travel Grant. The UNT International Travel Grant provides funding to UNT graduate students who receive a Toulouse Graduate School Travel Grant to participate in a professional meeting abroad. Read more about the International Travel Grant.

Questions? E-mail us:

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Updated Travel Grant Eligibility Requirements and Other Information for Faculty and Staff Use