
Faculty and students at the College of Information are actively engaged in a variety of research and scholarly activities, grant-funded projects, and publishing. A number of research centers and labs offer specialized expertise and services.

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COI Courtesy Researchers

Dr Richard A. W. Tortorella
Dr. Tortorella's research is based on the creation of a generic platform for adaptive context-aware expert systems.

Dr. Nian-Shing Chen
Dr. Chen represents the Department of Information Management at the National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. His current research interests include assessing e-Learning course performance, synchronous teaching & learning, mobile & ubiquitous learning and robot enhanced learning with natural user-interface. He has published over 350 papers in academic journals, international conferences and book chapters. He is also the author of three books with one text book entitled “e-Learning Theory & Practice ”. Prof. Chen received the distinguished research award from the National Science Council, Taiwan in 2008. Dr. Chen is a member of IEEE, ACM and the Chair for Expert Seminars and Web-based Tutorials, the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the SSCI-indexed journal of Educational Technology & Society.