Academic Integrity

"Resources for promoting ethical classroom behavior."

Why Do Students Cheat?

While many dismiss the act of academic dishonesty with a simplistic: “Students cheat because they are lazy” or “Cheating is easier than working hard to succeed,” the issue of academic dishonesty proves as nuanced as it is persistent. 

“Remixing” Teaching Plagiarism in the Digital Age

A photo of an instructor writes on a chalkboard while a student plays on their smartphone.

Convincing students that academic writing and research is significant to their lives is not always easy. Further, in a highly digital world with increasingly digitized libraries, journals, newspapers, and other research sources, traditional book-based research may seem outdated and irrelevant to them. While this may be disappointing for many instructors, it is important to understand how students, especially millennials, might see scholarship in the context of the digital age. To understand this context, let’s look at an example: the remix.

Discussing Academic Integrity with Students

A photo of three students in a classroom with one raising a hand.

Most researchers agree that proactive strategies are far more effective at curbing academic dishonesty than punitive policies alone. Sometimes one of the best proactive strategies can be a classroom discussion (whether in a virtual discussion board or face-to-face) because it provides an opportunity for students to more fully comprehend, reflect, and question the potentially hazardous consequences of academic dishonesty.

Academic Integrity: A UNT Resource Guide

A photo of hanging light bulbs shining in the dark.

UNT has numerous sources and resources committed to helping cultivate student academic success. Although academic integrity is ultimately the responsibility of the student, differences in disciplinary expectations necessitates that instructors reinforce academic integrity practices. Awareness of available student programs and needed assistance can help students further avoid risk of academic dishonesty. Keep in mind that because of the sad fact that not all students are educated equally, our most “at-risk” students often need extra guidance and mentoring. We have divided these resources into two categories: those for instructors and those for students. 

Academic Integrity: A Classroom Activity Guide

A photo of a blonde woman holding an electronic notebook and gesturing with a pen.

This guide is designed as a resource for helping instructors promote, encourage, and cultivate a culture of academic integrity in their classrooms. The guide contains a list of questions and/or prompts that can be utilized in the classroom (whether face-to-face or virtual) in multiple ways in order to assist students in understanding the importance of academic integrity and the different types of academic dishonesty.