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Faculty and Staff

Theresa Abah
Teaching Fellow
Research interests: Health promotion model design, health care access issues especially for seniors in rural areas. Currently researching an appraisal of the health benefits and motivation of seniors participating in an innovative physical fitness program in Denton.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Adeleye Adaralegbe
Teaching Fellow
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Ganesh Baniya
Teaching Fellow
Research interests: Physical and mental health of senior citizens, chronic diseases among seniors, osteoporosis health among seniors, minority health and any interventions that benefit elderly people to maintain their health
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Debbie Bockman
Program Manager - UNTWISE
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Carrie Breedlove, MS, LPC
Program Coordinator - Recovery to Practice
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Rebecca Cagle
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Chandra Donnell Carey, Ph.D., CRC
Interim Chair & Associate Professor
Research interests: Dr. Carey has served as President of the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns and as Co-Chair of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Council for the National Council on Rehabilitation Education. She recently served as co-editor for a special issue on Psychiatric Rehabilitation for the Journal of Rehabilitation, Research, Policy, and Education and is the  Co-PI for a grant funded by the Texas Higher Education Board which focuses on enhancing the racial/ethnic diversity of students in rehabilitation studies and rehabilitation counseling. Her research focuses on mental illnesses and the recovery experiences of women of color, as well as culturally responsive service provision in rehabilitation counseling practice.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Denise Catalano, Ph.D., CRC
Associate Professor, Director of Health Services Research Program
Research interests: Quality of life issues among individuals with disabilities; development, factors, and processes of resilience; relationship of positive emotions to health and well-being.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Dalia Chowdhury, Ph.D., CRC, CADC, LPC (IL.)
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation
Research interests: Gender and disability; violence and trauma; HIV/AIDS, sexual behaviors and addictions; instrumentation 
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Neale Chumbler, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Health and Public Service
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Vanessa Clinton
Administrative Specialist - UNTWISE
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Natalie Eblen
Administrative Coordinator - UNTWISE
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Stephen Fauss
Graduate Assistant
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Paula Heller-Garland, MS, LCDC
Senior Lecturer
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Wednesday 9:30 to 12:30 or by appointment
Linda Holloway, Ph.D., CRC
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Success
Research interests: Professionalism; undergraduate education; supported employment; psychiatric rehabilitation; emergency preparedness for people with disabilities.
Office Location & Hours
Hurley Administration Bldg
Stan Ingman, Ph.D.
Professor of Health Services
Research interests: Major areas of interest are sustainable senior living, LTC care, geriatric medicine and aging programs and trends around the world. 
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
becky knight photo
Becky Knight, Ph.D.
Research interests: Commodification of the Aging Population in America, Healthcare Administration Policy and Practice, Wellness Education for the Older Population, Disaster Prevention and Education for Senior Adults, Health Department Research and Program Structure.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Brandi Levingston, Ph.D., CRC
Principal Lecturer
Research interests: Competitive employment outcomes for people with disabilities, Wage earnings potential for people with disabilities, postsecondary education of people with disabilities, Psychosocial aspects of disability. Click here for more info about Brandi Levingston, Ph.D., CRC  
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Qiwei "Richard" Li
Teaching Fellow
Research interests: Sustainable retirement, individual retirement plan with disability, chronic disease management, and long-term care services in Asian communities.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Freda MacArthur-Lee
Senior Trainer
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Ami Moore, PhD., MPH, CPH.
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator for Public Health and Director of the Center for Psychosocial Research
Research interests: Aging related-issues, HIV/AIDS prevention, health disparities, social demography, and public health education and health promotion
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Elias Mpofu, Ph.D., CRC
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Bhargav Muppaneni
Doctoral Graduate Assistant
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Nicole Pinon
Graduate Assistant
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Gayle Prybutok, Ph.D., RN
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Health Services Administration
Research interests: Internet based health education and interventions, health care quality assurance, health communication, consumer health informatics, and health care operations research. 
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Gayle Rogers
Administrative Coordinator
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Keya Sen
Teaching Fellow
Research interests: The existing disparities in the distribution of life course capital, social relationships, family supports The psycho social issues in elderly health Evidence based interventions towards sustainable aging and affordable health care
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Rachita Sharma, Ph.D., CRC, LPC-S
Senior Lecturer, Clinical Director of UNT WELL, and Internship Coordinator
Research interests: Transition issues faced by Veterans in Higher Education, Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine techniques in Mental health treatment, Resilience, Positive Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Mindfulness, Provider self-care, Multicultural competencies in counseling.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Callie Stanford
Academic Specialist
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Keith Turner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Health Services
Research interests: Modeling provision of community-based services; developing systems of care for children and adults with special care needs; integrating aging and disabilities resource systems.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Justin Watts, Ph.D., NCC
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation
Research interests: Interpersonal trauma, bio-psycho-social-emotional impact of child-maltreatment, collegiate recovery, recovery support, the counseling working alliance, and mental health  
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall
Chenchen Yang
Doctoral Graduate Assistant
Research interests: Successful aging, technology and aging, geriatric medicine, and global aging.
Office Location & Hours
Chilton Hall