
The College of Information offers undergraduate degree programs in the following areas:

A Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics offers students a comprehensive overview of the history of the field and a strong foundation in the core areas of phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax, exposing students to the limits and extent of language structure. A major goal of the BA program is to stimulate student curiosity about language and cultural diversity.

A Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Learning Technologies prepares students for a variety of career paths that broadly use tools, techniques, and methods applied by Learning Technology professionals. Coursework focuses on learning strategies that allow students with a natural inclination toward STEM to pursue their passions in applied contexts. 

Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Applied Technology prepares students for skills to act as intermediaries between information and information users applying the latest tools for information organization and access. Graduates work in a diversity of fields including: health informatics, legal informatics and law libraries, bibliographic utilities and networks, and other information dissemination firms.


The College also offers various minor options in Computer Education, Linguistics, Information Management & Health Informatics, Information Science & Knowledge Organization, Project & Knowledge Management, and Digital Content and Information Systems that can be explored in UNT's Academic Catalog .