CVE® is a list of entries—each containing an identification number, a
description, and at least one public reference—for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

CVE Entries are used in numerous cybersecurity products and services from around the world,
including the U.S. National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

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CVE Program Report for Calendar Year Q3-2019

The CVE Program will issue a summary of program milestones and metrics for each quarter of the calendar year (CY), beginning with CY Q3-2019 ...

CVE Numbering Authorities,
or “CNAs,” are essential to
the CVE Program’s success
and every CVE Entry is added
to the CVE List by a CNA.

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Total CNAs: 108 | Total Countries: 20

CNAs World Map - November 21, 2019

Page Last Updated or Reviewed: November 20, 2019