AITS: Identity Theft Prevention on Facebook

Facebook Identity Theft Prevention image

So, you received an odd Facebook friend request? 

Using these three tips can help protect your identity.

Have you ever received a Facebook friend request, but couldn’t remember whether you knew the person? You begin to wonder, is this a distant relative, an old friend from high school, an acquaintance I met a few weeks ago at a business function?

It can be difficult to remember the names and faces of all the people we meet. Hackers know this, and they are starting to target us on Facebook. Should you receive a Facebook friend request from someone you don’t know, it could be a hacker trying to steal your personal information on Facebook. Most users on Facebook have their personal information available to their friends, so if a hacker can become your friend, they see all of your information, including your birthdate, phone number, and email address. If you have defined relationships in Facebook, then they can see the names of your family members.

To help protect your identity, follow these easy steps the next time you receive a friend request.

1. Scan your friend request. Don’t automatically accept a request, but check the other person’s profile to see if it looks legitimate.

2. Check for spelling errors or poor grammar. Many of these hackers are from overseas and they don’t have a good understanding of the English language.

3. Check if you have any mutual friends. If you have mutual friends, then chances are good that the person is not a hacker.

Bonus Tip:  Do not use your Facebook password anywhere else. That is just making it way too easy for the bad guys.

Editor's Note: Please note that information in each edition of Benchmarks Online is likely to change or degrade over time, especially the links to various websites. For current information on a specific topic, search the UNT website, UNT's UIT Help Desk or the world wide web. Email your questions and comments to the UNT University Information Technology Department or call 940-565-2324.