Mission and Vision

Alumni Society’s Purpose

The purpose of this Society is to advance the interests of the College and promote a closer association between the College and its alumni. The Alumni Society is independent of the UNT Alumni Association, but does partner with them for special events. The Alumni Society programs provide an opportunity to connect with fellow College of Information alumni, share memories, and maintain connections to the departments and the College. Annually, it recognizes outstanding alumni, mentors students, and assists with alumni communication and networking. The Alumni Society is governed by elected board members representing various geographic areas and College of Information degrees. The Alumni Society maintains a university operating account and a UNT Foundation endowment account designated for student scholarships. Annually, the board awards scholarships from these funds.

In 2008, the School of Library and Information Sciences became part of the College of Information. As a result, the Alumni Society board reorganized to represent all the alumni of the newly formed College. The Alumni Society bylaws were amended to reflect not only the geographic areas where a larger percentage of alumni live but also the many degrees and cohorts within the College.

This organizational structure presents some logistical challenges. Nevertheless, we are overcoming obstacles and becoming a working board whose interest is serving the needs of all alumni.

View Alumni Society By-laws in PDF