Workshop Presentations

The conference serves as an effective personal and professional development resource for faculty, staff, students, and professionals seeking to broaden and deepen their perspectives around topics such as bias awareness, discrimination policies and practices, identity development, social justice education, and identity-based topics such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity. Workshop presenters include both UNT and external community members from around the country.

2019 Workshops

Click each title to view the presentations of these workshops.

Concurrent Sessions 1

Speaker: Rebecca Werts (she/her/hers), B.A.
Keywords: African American/Black; Diversity & Inclusion; Intersectionality; Latina/o/x

“Code-switching”: a change in dialect, vernacular, language, or behavior an individual may use to express themselves. From answering the phone to meeting with colleagues or classmates, code-switching can stem from the belief that one must adapt to a dominant culture or environment for social/professional acceptance or advancement. In this regard, it’s important to identify and address the perceptions, biases, and barriers that prevent women of color from authentically expressing themselves.

Click here for handout used in this presentation

Speaker: Emily VanKirk (she/her/hers and they/them/theirs), B.A.
Keywords: Diversity & Inclusion; Leadership Development; Multicultural Affairs; Self-Care/Self-Work

This workshop is an exploration of how to approach sensitive topics and set up boundaries for safe and engaging discussion. It includes skill-building activities around defining and maintaining conversational boundaries. The workshop will also explore how to respond when boundaries are violated. Participants will learn about important considerations in dialogue, setting boundaries, and will develop confidence in their own skills and ability to talk about sensitive topics.

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Speaker: Jerry Hawkins (he/him/his), M.A.
Keywords: Coalition Building; Changing Institutional Practices; Intergroup Dialogue/Facilitation; Intersectionality

In our session, we will explore national and local examples of the outcomes of doing racial equity work. First, we will detail some rewarding benefits of doing racial equity work to the individual, the institution and the system. Next, we will dive into some of the serious costs to people and institutions who choose to engage in this work. We will conclude by sharing strategies for support and opportunities to engage.

Concurrent Sessions 2

Speaker: Pankaj Jain (he/him/his), Ph.D.
Keywords: Asian, Pacific, Islander, and Desi American; Cultural Humility; Diversity & Inclusion; Immigration; Multicultural Affairs

This session explores the growing interest of Desi Americans in American K-12 Schools and the challenges involved, through a case study. The case study follows the local election process of the board of trustees in North Texas. It also touches upon how Desi Americans see themselves in America and how and to what extent this country is ready to acknowledge their presence.

Speaker: Stephon Bradberry (he/him/his)
Keywords: African American/Black; Changing Institutional Practices; Diversity & Inclusion; Intersectionality

Since its inception on college campuses during the 1960s, The Black Student Union has been a source of community, uplift, education, and empowerment for college students all around our country. BSU was created because; well simply put, African Americans have interests and passions and need outlets. As a BSU it is our imperative to self-determine our collective future—to take ownership of our authority to develop collectively while pursuing a common interest—one of liberation.

Speaker: Cynthia Dsauza (she/her/hers), Ph.D.
Keywords: Cultural Humility; Diversity & Inclusion; Privilege; Sexuality

This workshop will be used to explore the effects of ally support, more specifically, family support on the general mental health of sexual minority persons. A panel comprised of sexual minority persons and a supportive family member will explore the development of those relationships and the importance of the support in the development of identity and mental health. This panel will highlight how parents can support their children and also come to terms with their own biases and preconceptions.

Speakers: Jarrod Jenkins (he/him/his), J.D. and Alisha Carter (she/her/hers), M.S.
Keywords: Affirmative Action; Assessment/Evaluation; Diversity & Inclusion; Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

Where is the line between flirtation and sexual harassment, or impoliteness and discrimination? What happens if the lines are crossed? This workshop explores the role of the Office of Equal Opportunity at UNT, the policies it enforces prohibiting discrimination and harassment, and the Title IX requirements pertaining to sexual misconduct. All UNT faculty and staff are required to receive Title IX training every two years, and this workshop satisfies that training requirement.

Click here for this presentation's powerpoint

Concurrent Sessions 3

Speakers: Mariela Nuñez-Janes (she/her/hers), Ph.D., Rebeca Perfecto (she/her/hers), M.B.A., and Nick Tapia-Fuselier (he/him/his), M.Ed.
Keywords: Coalition Building; Diversity & Inclusion; Immigration; Multicultural Affairs

We will focus on best practices and coalition building across institutions of higher education while thinking beyond the stigma of illegality in order to support undocumented students in times of uncertainty. This is an interactive session so come ready to share ideas and concerns along with a commitment to build a movement beyond the moment provided by this conference!

Click here for this presentation's powerpoint

Speaker: Alexandria Gurley (she/her/hers), M.A.
Keywords: African American/Black; Cultural Humility; Diversity & Inclusion; Intergroup Dialogue/Facilitation

There are some words that are very racially charged and painfully insensitive in their use. This talk will start with the history of the very controversial “N” word, a word marked as derogatory for African Americans. It seeks to answer the age old question “Can I say it?” With that regard, one should always utilize AAA when in question. That is Access, Authority, and Authenticity: consider each and its bearing on you and the word, your position, and your intent.

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Speaker: Sandra Godina (she/her/hers), B.A., B.S.
Keywords: Diversity & Inclusion; Equal Opportunity; Equitable Practices; Intergroup Dialogue/Facilitation

Learn about the intentional choices that Education Opens Doors has made to address implicit bias within their Roadmap to Success program. You will also be able to reflect on a challenge that you face related to equity and consult with Education Opens Doors staff and other peers to develop a plan of action in order to overcome that challenge. At the end of the session, you will walk away with strategies and skills which you can use to pursue racial equity at your organization.

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Speaker: Chata Walden (they/them/theirs), B.S.
Keywords: Assessment/Evaluation; Diversity & Inclusion; Changing Institutional Practices; Privilege

Understanding the difference between Implicit Bias and Unconscious Bias is a powerful tool that can positively affect one’s workspace environment. In this workshop we will uncover common bias on both university and community college campuses while unpacking tips and tricks on ways to remove Implicit Bias from both our workspaces and our institutions with the hope create a more inclusive environment for faculty, staff, and students.

Speaker: Howard J. Ross (he/him/his)
Keywords: Intergroup Dialogue/Facilitation

Conference participants have the opportunity to have their purchased book Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart signed by our Keynote speaker, Howard Ross. In this book, Howard J. Ross, with Jon Robert Tartaglione, explores how our human need to belong is the driving force behind the increasing division of our world. Filled with tested practices for opening safe and honest dialogue in the workplace and challenges to confront our own tendencies to bond with those who are like us, Our Search for Belonging is a powerful statement of hope in a disquieting time.

Concurrent Sessions 4

Speaker: Gina Segura (she/her/hers), B.B.A.
Keywords: African American/Black; Diversity & Inclusion; Latina/o/x

Latinx students are increasingly attending U.S. colleges and universities. For student affairs professionals broadening access and furthering the success for such a population serves as a critical charge however, Afro Latinx students are often hidden and buried under the classification of being Latinx or Black. The presenter provides insight shedding light on the Afro Latinx identity through personal experience and focus on historical context showcasing the importance of this diverse population.

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Speakers: Sean Woods (he/him/his), B.A. and Sonya Parker Goode (she/her/hers), CLC, CAMS-I
Keywords: Gender Identity & Gender Expression; Intergroup Dialogue/Facilitation; Intersectionality; Privilege

Explores gender stereotypes and how narrow definitions of gender can limit options for everyone, as well as put all people at risk of experiencing/perpetrating violence. This interactive session may include scenario-based group activities and a discussion on the dynamics of sexual violence.

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Speakers: Angela Downes (she/her/hers), J.D. and Kay Elliott, J.D., LL.M., M.A.
Keywords: African American/Black; Diversity & Inclusion; Latina/o/x; Multicultural Affairs

Stories entertain, serving as a mechanism to share points of view, and promote different perspectives on history and culture. We are impacted by the stories we hear. It is by this exposure that we expand our understanding of people and circumstances that are different from our own. In this session, participants explore how storytelling evolved through history and can serve to impact implicit bias. We will explore historical works and current pop culture as examples of moral teaching and entertainment.

Speaker: Ameerah McBride (she/her/hers), J.D.
Keywords: Academic Affairs; Changing Institutional Practices; Diversity & Inclusion; Equal Opportunity; Faculty Recruitment and Retention

This presentation will introduce participants to the concept of the Tenure Observer, a trained representative of the equity and diversity office, who attends meetings of the tenure review or personnel committee as a non-voting, impartial observer. The presentation will discuss potential methods for recruiting volunteers and vetting applicants, as well as an overview of the prerequisite training required. Finally, this presentation will discuss the observation process.

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