HOW TO: Update Your Address

You MUST keep all 3 address types up to date to remain in compliance with U.S. immigration regulations.

If you move/change your Current/Local Address, you have 10 days to update your address on

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on "Student Center"
  3. Look for "Personal Information" and click on the address you'd like to update
  4. Click on "Edit" to make changes to any address
    • Current/Local Address
      • You MUST list your physical U.S. address (not a P.O. Box)
      • If you live in a dorm, list your dorm name and room number
      • DO NOT enter address information on line three
    • Mail
      • Address to which you would like mail delivered
      • List a P.O. Box here (if you have one)
      • DO NOT enter address information on line three
    • Permanent
      • This is your HOME COUNTRY mailing address
      • Permanent address MUST be included
      • DO NOT enter address information on line three
  5. If you do not have an address listed, click "Add a New Address"
    • Enter Address Information
    • Select the "Address Type"
    • DO NOT enter address information on line three
    • Click "Save" when done

Sample Address Listing:
123 Main Street, Apt. 456
Anytown, Anystate 12345