Ruben Sanchez


Se habla Español

Freshman Counselor

Hometown: El Paso, TX

College Major: Bachelor’s in Linguistics, Master's of Interdisciplinary Studies

Job Title: Assistant Director - Campus Events

Phone: 940-369-5267

Get to know Ruben Sanchez...

What is your favorite place on campus? Why?

I really enjoy being out at the Library Mall. It’s where a lot of the fun campus events happen!

What is your favorite place/thing to do in Denton?

I love visiting Denton Square. It’s such a beautiful area with so much history. There’s always something to do like getting the best ice cream from Beth Marie’s or cooling down on a hot day while you’re shopping at the mini mall or the other great shops.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Get involved! Take time to volunteer or join a campus organization. Although it’s scary getting out of your comfort zone, you’ll definitely enhance your college experience and you’ll make friendships that will last a lifetime.

What is a random fact about you?

Disneyland is my absolute favorite park to visit, it’s also my go-to for the best churros! YUM!