Michael Casias


Freshman Counselor

Hometown: Lubbock, TX

College Major: Radio, Television & Film

Phone: 972-668-7320

Get to know Michael Casias...

Why did you decide to attend UNT?

I attended UNT because it’s a highly recognized school in media arts. I also wanted to venture out to a new city on my own and create my own experience!

What is your favorite place on campus? Why?

My favorite place on campus is the Union. There’s always something to do and something great to eat. It’s also the headquarters for you to go and get your UNT swag!

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Stay ahead of the game. Be prepared and be proactive in regards to your application, documents, scholarships, etc. If you snooze you lose!

What is your favorite UNT fact?

My favorite UNT fact is that Stone Cold Steve Austin attended UNT!