Research Seminars

  • Dr. Ashlie Martini
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California Merced
    Tribochemistry: Shear-Induced Reaction Pathways Explored via Reactive Atomistic Simulations
    Discovery Park B155
  • Dr. Elena Shevchenko
    Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory
    Atomistic understanding of nanoparticle formation for better understanding of their properties
  • James Mabe
    Technical Fellow, Boeing Research and Technology, St Louis MO
    Shape Memory Alloys in Aerospace: A History of Development, Challenges, and Breakthroughs
    Discovery Park B155
  • Prof. Perena Gouma
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University
    Nanomaterials for a Healthier and Cleaner World
    Discovery Park B155
  • Dr. Hanchen Huang
    UNT College of Engineering
    Nanorods: from Synthesis Science to Metallic Glue Technology
  • Erik D. Spoerke, Ph.D.
    Sandia National Laboratories
    Materials Advances to Enable Grid-Scale Energy Storage
  • Prof. Xiao Li
    Materials Science & Engineering, UNT
    Liquid Crystal Polymers
  • Donald W. Brenner
    Kobe Steel Distinguished Professor and Department Head Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University
    High Entropy Ceramics as an Emerging Class of Material: Insights from Theory and Computation.
  • Professor Vijay K. Vasudevan
    Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
    Phase Transformations, Microstructure Evolution and Properties of some Addititvely Processed Alloys
  • Dr. Nicholas Glavin & Prof. Christopher Muratore
    Air Force Research Laboratory & University of Dayton
    Processing of 2D materials for electronic devices
  • Prof. Michelle Manuel
    University of Florida
    Self-Passivating Bioresorbable Alloys
  • Prof. Alison Sweeney
    Yale University
    The Evolution of Equilibrium: thermodynamic pattern formation outside of living cells